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St. Miracle Works Educational Foundation

St. Miracle Works Educational Foundation

Verified Entity

About St. Miracle Works Educational Foundation


Industry: Education
Type: Nonprofit Organization
St. Miracle Works Educational Foundation (SMWEF Ghana) is a registered Non-profit and Non-Governmental African Organization/Charity (NGO) based in Senya Beraku, Ghana. Senya Beraku is in the Awutu-Senya West District, in the Central Region of Ghana. We aim to improve educational and health opportunities for disadvantaged children in the Senya Beraku community through projects which rely on the support of volunteers from all over the world.

Our programs are designed and committed to enable people all over the world immerse themselves in new culture, make real difference, create impact, learn new things, network with likeminded people while they visit great historical sites in Ghana, West Africa.

We create avenues and programs that enable disadvantaged children and the youth to have equitable opportunities to pursue higher education. SMWEF works with both international and local volunteers and experts to provide lasting solutions to challenges facing deprived communities of Ghana through volunteerism. The work of the organization is carried out by a dedicated local hardworking staff and incredibly supported continuously by both local and international volunteers/interns from all over the world.

The SMWEF Ghana program options include:
• Childcare
• Teaching
• Healthcare/Public Health
• Sports/Football Coaching
• Farming/Agriculture
• Construction & Renovation
• Girl-Child Empowerment
• Social Work etc.

Our Mission
To promote education in impoverished rural communities with solution-oriented projects that enable people to lift themselves out of poverty. We focus on empowering people, particularly the less privileged so that they can become agents of proactive change within their local communities.

Our Vision
Our vision is to become the driving force in education, health, and safety for the impoverished in Ghana.

Our Work
We work to improve health and educational opportunities for the less privileged children in the Senya Beraku community through projects which rely on the support of volunteers from around the world. Our work supports the principles of the UN Global Compact and aims to fulfill the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Currently, St. Miracle Works provides educational services and counseling to 110 less privileged and vulnerable children between the ages of 2-16 years.
Services include providing food, clothing, health care, educational opportunities, and life skills training.

Our methods of eradicating poverty:
• Creating educational opportunities and reducing illiteracy.
• Researching the local causes of child labour and trafficking in order to eliminate it.
• Hosting HIV/AIDS awareness seminars
• Focusing on children’s self-confidence to improve their ability and capacity to learn.
• Teaching gender equality through discussion.

Our programs are designed and committed to enable people all over the world immerse themselves in new culture, make real difference, create impact, learn new things, network with likeminded people while they visit great historical sites in Ghana, West Africa.

We create avenues and programs that enable disadvantaged children and the youth have equitable opportunities to pursue higher education.
SMWEF Ghana works with both international and local volunteers and experts to provide lasting solutions to challenges facing deprived communities of Ghana through volunteerism.

Available Programs

• St. Miracle Home Shelter:
Volunteers that chose to work at the shelter will be tasked with mentorship, counseling, general care, cleaning and various other tasks.

• St. Miracle Works Primary School:
Volunteers will teach basic subjects such as English, Maths, Science, Creative Arts etc.

• Health/Public Health & Education:
Volunteers with medical training and medical students will support the local health centers in Ghana.

• Construction & Renovation:
Volunteers work closely with the local people and our local staff on tasks which include painting, brick laying, plastering, digging, block shaping, carpentry, steel bending, mortar mixing, etc.

• Agriculture/Farming Volunteering:
Volunteer work on the Agriculture Project involves both crop farming (eggplants, capsicums, palms etc.) and animal farming (rabbits, goats, chickens etc.).

• Sports / Football Coaching:
Get involved with sports and youth development in Ghana helping to promote a healthier, happier and more active lifestyle.

• Social Work:
Dive into a unique, meaningful experience and profoundly impact impoverished rural communities in Ghana through the SMWEF Social work.

• Girl-Child Empowerment:
Volunteering for girl child education in Ghana requires volunteers to involve themselves in a number of activities at the school, on a regular basis.

• Child Labor & Trafficking:
Volunteers on this project will host educational talks at schools to raise awareness.

Programs at St. Miracle Works Educational Foundation