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Candidates frequently asked questions

Here are the answers to several frequently asked questions asked by candidates.

What is www.helpgoabroad.com?

In brief, www.helpgoabroad.com could be defined as an online workforce recruitment platform. www.helpgoabroad.com is a jobs website in which employers or recruitment companies from all over the world, have the possibility to post recruitment ads and the applicants, those who want to get hired, can apply online to the work offers, directly on the website .

Do I have to pay a fee to register as a candidate?

No, registering as a candidate is completely free of charge.

Do it costs me anything to apply to a job listed on www.helpgoabroad.com?

Applying on jobs listed on HelpGoAbroad is free of charge, you can apply to an unlimited number of jobs .

How can I apply to a job on www.helpgoabroad.com?

In order to apply to a job, first of all you must create an account type Candidate. After the creation of the account, you must complete your CV. After the creation of account and the completion of CV, you have the right to apply free of charge to an unlimited number of jobs .

I have registered an account, but I cannot apply to all the jobs

The employers, when they post a job, have the possibility to restrict the application to that job, so that only the applicants who are from specific countries should have the right to apply .

What happens after I apply to jobs?

Right after you have submitted your application on a job, we will send an email notification to the employer/employers to whom you applied, so they can verify youre CV and take action over your application .

Why was my application not checked?

There are many reasons for which your application may not be checked by the employers. As it to be expected, the employer will not receive only your application in a certain day, but will actually receive a list of all the applicants of that day .

It is very easily understood that if that list is very long, the employer will probably not have the time or patience to view them all. Even if he had the time or patience, it may happen that the employer finds the right candidate or candidates for the job before getting to your application and check your CV .

Another explanation would be that the employers have the possibility to see how much percentage of your CV is completed. From our experience we can tell you that a CV poor in details will never be viewed by an employer and even if it is, the chances of getting a job with such a CV, are minimal .

Why do I have to complete my CV directly on site? Why cannot I upload my CV ready-made?

The employers have the possibility to structure and filter the CVs of applicants by very many criteria of which we mention a few; age, gender, experience, residence, knowledge of a foreign language etc .

Unfortunately, all these filters can be made from technical point of view, only if all the CVs have the same format, in our case, the www.helpgoabroad.com format. If we offered the possibility that each applicant uploads his/her own CV, our database would be full of thousands of different CV formats on which we would not be able to intervene in order to organize them by the employers needs .

How important is my CV to get a job?

The CV is more than important in the recruitment process. Your CV is your image and is the only thing which can make the difference between another unsuccessful application and an appointment for an interview to the desired job. Think only of the following thing, once you are appointed for an interview with the employer, you automatically do not compete with the 100 applicants to the job, but you compete with the 5 applicants who were appointed for an interview...and all this because you made your CV well .

Why was I not contacted by any company although I applied to several jobs?

Yes, this is a problem many users deal with but everything starts from you CV. In order to be contacted by an employer, we advise you to create a detailed CV, well-structured and last but not least a CV which looks good. The look counts more than you think .

Because of the very large number of applicants, the employers do not have the necessary time to announce the candidates who were rejected. A recruitment company on www.helpgoabroad.com receives every month about 200 - 800 applications or in some case even more - there are jobs which have alone hundreds or even thousands of applicants .

Companies can see my contact info?

No, a company can see your contact info only if you have applied to that company jobs or you have accepted an invitation sent by that company .