Date Posted: 2024-07-11 | | Expires: 2033-07-11

Cultural Exchage in Honduras

Program Description

Honduras is a republic in Central America. It was at times referred to as Spanish Honduras to differentiate it from British Honduras, which became the modern-day state of Belize. The country is bordered to the west by Guatemala, to the southwest by El Salvador, to the southeast by Nicaragua, to the south by the Pacific Ocean at the Gulf of Fonseca, and to the north by the Gulf of Honduras, a large inlet of the Caribbean Sea.

Honduras was home to several important indigenous cultures, most notably the Maya. Much of the country was conquered by Spain who introduced its predominant language and many of its customs in the sixteenth century. It became independent in 1821 and has been a republic since the end of Spanish rule.

It is notable for its production of minerals, tropical fruit, and recently for exportation of clothing for the international market.

Honduras has the world’s second-largest barrier reef, dazzling Caribbean islands, colonial-style towns, and a mountain interior on the west. Honduras is world famous for its archeological sites, including 3,000-year-old Mayan ruins and the mysterious rediscovered city of Copán, but it’s true treasure is the people and relaxed life-style. Mealtime is family time and the food is colorful and varied. You will also enjoy the carnivals and soccer games.

Program highlights

An international private education company, founded in 2006. CFSYE has a group of 11 wholly-owned subsidiaries that provide cultural exchange and study abroad programs and language training, educational travel, summer programs, university preparation and academic year abroad, around the world. The Cultural Field Service Young Exchange (abbreviated as CFSYE) is one of the world’s largest education companies. CFSYE operates worldwide with representative agents and offices in over 45 countries around the world.

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Program Details

Types - Subjects

Agriculture, Culture


Honduras - Roatan

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