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Spartan University is a Health Sciences University offering doctorate degree programs in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. Students receive a 20 months Basic Sciences education in St. Lucia, WI, and then continue with Clinical Training in Hospitals in the United States for another 20 months leading to graduation. Graduates of the Medical Program undergo three or more years of residency training (specialization), depending on the specialty, before they are be licensed to practice. Veterinary graduates however, are not required to specialize so they can get licensed right after graduating and fulfilling all licensure requirements.

Our Nursing program is a three year course leading to an Associate degree in nursing, Registered Nurse (RN). RNs may further pursue a 1 year Bachelor in Science Nursing Degree. After a successful completion of the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX ), our nursing graduates can now be employed in the United States as Registered Nurses. There is a pressing need for Nurses in the US.

Our Programs are fast, affordable and taught by highly qualified, experienced and dedicated Professors who are Medical or Veterinary Doctors, Nurses and Midwifes.

Spartan is one of the most experienced Medical Universities in the Caribbean region. It was established in 1980 and provides small class size learning experience with an early introduction of clinical medicine in the first year, giving students a strong foundation in correlating the Basic Medical Sciences with clinical cases. Spartan graduates practice in over 40 states in the United States and 25 countries worldwide including Canada and the UK.

Don't wait any longer, get started at Spartan University and fulfill your dream of becoming a Medical or Veterinary Doctor, or a Registered Nurse in the United States.


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