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Employers frequently asked questions

Here are the answers to several frequently asked questions by employers.

Do I have to pay a fee to register an employer?

No, you can registering as an employer free of charge, you will have to purchase a package only if your trial period expired and you want to continue posting more jobs on www.helpgoabroad.com.

What industries do HelpGoAbroad candidates come from?

Our candidates come from almost every industry imaginable such as architecture, art, business development, consulting, education, fashion design, graphic design, HR, international trade, IT, law, marketing, media/PR, sales, travel and supply chain operations.

What are the most important things to include when I post a job?

Some essential things to include when you post a job are, providing a detailed job description, job requirements.

How do I know my candidate received an invitation to apply?

You can invite candidates directly from the list of candidates. Clicking the Invite to job button and select the job you want to invitate that candidate to apply on. Right after that, we will send an email notification to the candidate.

If the candidate choose to accept or reject your apply invitation, we will send you back an email notification. If the candidate accepts your apply invitation, there will be created automatically a new application for the job were you invited candidate to apply, then you will be able to view that candidate contact information.

If I have unpublish a job, will it still match with candidates?

When you unpublish a job, that job will no longer accept direct candidates and it will be listed anymore on www.helpgoabroad.com.

Can I requalify a rejected candidate?

Yes, if you decide you want to requalify a candidate who you previously rejected, you can go to your job applications click on the candidate name and then click on Requalify button. Right after that, we will send an email to the candidate letting him know that you are considering again his application.

For how long will a job stay published on www.helpgoabroad.com?

Jobs are published on HelpGoAbroad for 30 days, after that period, the job will automatically expire and you will be able to republish that job again if you want.

Employers can see contact info of candidates?

You can see a candidate contact info, only if that candidate have applied or accept an apply invitation to a job.

Does HelpGoAbroad post jobs nationwide?

No, you must choose a city when posting jobs on HelpGoAbroad. This is pretty standard for most job boards.