HelpGoabroad Privacy Policy

Personal Data Protection and Confidentiality

Thank you for accessing HelpGoabroad platform! The HelpGoabroad team shall protect as much as possible the rights to privacy and image of the platform users. We aim to offer to you, the platform users, a secure online experience, that does not affect negatively your personal life. For this, we do our best to ensure that the information you are providing to our database is used only for the purposes intended by you. Beijing Fuhua Zhongxing International Human Resources Co., Ltd. is registered as the data controller in the Registry under the number.

Information note regarding the personal data processing

This document contains the essential information related to the personal data processing modality within the services offered by, both on the web platform, as well as on the mobile telephony apps (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the platform”). 

For the purpose of the definition of the article 4.1 of the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as GDPR), "personal data” means any information related to a natural person identified or identifiable ("the concerned person"); an identifiable natural person is a person that can be identified, directly or indirectly, especially by referring to an identification element, such as a name, an identification number, location data, online identifier or one or more specific elements, specific to his or her physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity. 

When creating an account on the HelpGoAbroad platform, you are required to provide your first and last name, your email address, the birth date, your gender, occupation, postal code, your field of activity and your personal interests. The creation of your account on our website and the subscription to our services facilitate us the access to your personal data.

The Responsibility of Personal Data Processing

Based on the authorization provided by the data controllers, respectively, of the employers that have an account on HelpGoAbroad platform, in order to develop their workforce recruitment activity, your personal data are processed in the capacity of "person empowered by the data controller” by:

HelpGoAbroad, with headquarters in Room 1118, 11th Floor, No. 32 Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing, Beijing 100086, registered at the Trade Register under no. , having as sole identification number: ,



Contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO)

You can contact the company at the following email address: 

Legal grounds, the purpose and the term of personal data processing 

Based on the consent of the concerned person for the processing of his/her personal data, these are processed according to article 6.1, letter a) of GDPR. If the processing is needed for executing a contract to which the concerned person is a party or in order to take steps upon the request of the concerned person before a contract conclusion, the processing is made according to the article 6.1. letter b) of GDPR. If the processing is needed to comply with a legal obligation, this shall be made according to article 6.1, letter c) of GDPR. If the processing is needed for the legitimate interest of HelpGoAbroad, this shall be made according to article 6.1, letter f) of GDPR. 

The aim of the personal data processing is to facilitate on the platform the recruitment activity of the employers, in their capacity of controllers, clients of our company, respectively, to offer to the candidates the opportunity of looking for a job, through the application to the job advertisements published on the platform by the employers, respectively, to interact with them. 

As the concerned persons for the personal data processing are part of the active category on the labour market, their provided data shall be processed until the ceasing of the purpose for which they were collected, respectively, until their withdrawal from the labour market or within the limits imposed by the law. During the processing, the concerned persons have the right to request any time the ceasing of their data processing.

In order to avoid any abuse related to the personal data storage, the data processed by the authorised employers, respectively the unblocked data from the CVs, shall be kept in the employers' accounts for one year after their provision. Also, the users’ applications older than one year shall be deleted from their accounts.

The HelpGoAbroad user account, the CVs

By registering a user account on the HelpGoAbroad platform, you expressly agree to the terms and conditions for the platform use, which can be found at, these having the value of an agreement between yourself and our Company. In this regard, the data provided by you through the HelpGoAbroad user account shall be processed according to the article 6.1, letter b) of GDPR. 

In order to apply for jobs listed on HelpGoAbroad, you need to have an account registered with us, or an account will be automatically registered for you when you apply for a job. If you don't agree with this, you should not apply on jobs listed on HelpGoAbroad.

The registration of your own CV in our database can be made in two ways:

1. You can register your CV in our database, but you do not make it public to the employers. The option not to make public your CV means that you can apply for jobs, but the employers do not have access to your CV in the database. 

2. If you make your CV public, then the third parties (the persons that ask to HelpGoAbroad for the services of CV search), which have access to the CVs in our database, shall have access to your CV as well.

If they want, they may require the unlocking of your contact data and you could be contacted or they send you a job apply invitation and you accept their invitation. We do our best to limit the access to the CVs from our database only to the employers, to the recruitment agencies, to the HR managers and specialists. HelpGoAbroad does not assume any responsibility for the use by third parties of the CVs, as long as the CVs are in our database.

Choose to search for CVs of Candidate Users available in the HelpGoAbroad Platform

Choose one of the price packages that correspond to the number of CVs you can view in the HelpGoAbroad Platform database. Pay the Service price. You can search through all the public CVs in the database. You can view as many CVs without contact details. Depending on your chosen Services Package, you can view the contact details of a certain number of CVs.

In all cases, you understand and agree that you shall not use the data contained in the Candidate User's CVs except for the sole purpose of recruiting staff for the company that published the recruitment notice.

Certain candidates who have chosen to enter their CVs in the HelpGoAbroad Platform database may understand that it is simpler to present a misleading, incomplete, incorrect or aggressive reality to other social categories. Therefore, you should discern before using the information contained in these CVs, before hiring, making an investment or any other action involving the use of funds or own resources or those of third parties. Please contact us if you are aware of the existence of such CVs.

The right to modify and delete your data from HelpGoAbroad

HelpGoAbroad gives rights to the users to change the registered contact details, some of your interests, including information about the new services and products. Also, you can ask for your data deletion any time by login on your account and on your dashboard left navigation click on "Delete Account" link.

Data security

For the data security and confidentiality, your HelpGoAbroad account is protected by a password.

The data processing within the context of general use of HelpGoAbroad platforms and services 

At the moment of the log in on the platform, we shall collect information about your accessing device and we shall store these logging data on our servers. Therefore, we can collect information about: the browsers types and versions; the operating system used for the log in into the system; the third parties websites where from our website is accessed; the date and hour of the log in; the IP address; the Internet Service Provider (ISP) of the accessing device; as well as any other information needed to protect our IT systems against cybernetic attacks. For security reasons (for example, in order to track a possible cybernetic attack against the platform) we shall store these data for 30 days, and thereafter we shall anonymize or delete these data. The temporary processing and storage of the IP addresses is made according to the article 6.1, letter f) of GDPR, as the website display, respectively the preservation of our own IT systems security, is the HelpGoAbroad legitimate interest. 

The processing of the data of the legal persons and of their employees 

In order to provide our services, we aim at a contractual collaboration with the employers, in our capacity of data controller of the data we process in their own interest. For this, HelpGoAbroad shall process the data of the employees of those entities, such as the name, occupation, the phone number, and email address, and all these data shall be processed exclusively for the contractual or pre-contractual relationship, according to HelpGoAbroad legitimate interest.

The optimization of the search and recommendations functionalities

We reserve the right to process information about the search patterns on the platform, in order to create statistical models for configuring the platform in view of an easier use, and especially for optimising the search and recommendation functionalities of the advertisements available on the platform. In this regards, we collect your IP address under a pseudonymous form, for a period of 30 days The temporary processing and storage of the IP addresses is based on the article 6.1 letter f.) of GDPR, as the legitimate interest of our company is to improve our services by ensuring functionalities based on statistical models. 

Newsletter notifications 

By the subscription to the newsletters, HelpGoAbroad shall process your email address for sending you notifications with topics that could be of interest to you. The legal basis for processing these data is based on the article 6.1, letter a) of GDPR. In order to demonstrate your identity, related to your subscription, based on the article 6.1 letter f) of GDPR, we shall store your IP address until you unsubscribe or until we cease to send notifications to you. 

The sent notifications contain the so-called "tracking pixels”, that inform us if that notification was opened, and the access date. The above mentioned data are needed for the optimization of the notification system used by HelpGoAbroad, and it is a legitimate interest, according to the article 6.1, letter f) of GDPR.

The correspondence and the electronic contact

Our platform may contain contact forms through which you can contact us on the electronic way; also, we can be contacted at the above-mentioned email address. In this regard, the data containing the sent messages, as well as our answers shall be stored and processed until the discussed aspects are considered as clarified by both parties. 

Questionnaires, contests and promotions

Periodically, HelpGoAbroad shall make available to the users questionnaires that can be filled in by these ones. The questionnaires are anonymous, but there is the possibility to ask for some data (for example, the email address) in order to participate to some contests. The collected data shall be processed for your notification, in case you win the contest, respectively for the prize handover. The personal data provided for this purpose shall be stored until the promotion finalization.

The disclosure and transmission of the personal information

HelpGoAbroad shall not transmit (by sales or by leasing) to third parties your personal data.

However, HelpGoAbroad can send this information to third parties in the following cases:

  • With your consent ;
  • If it is needed to send some information in view of providing the products and services requested by yourself.
  • When this information is needed to the company partners for improving or facilitating some services or products requested by you.
  • The partner companies have the right to use the personal data provided directly by HelpGoAbroad only if it is required their assistance.
  • We may transmit personal data to the authorities or public institutions, according to law and in good faith, if:

(a) it is stipulated by a legal disposition;

(b) it is protecting the rights of HelpGoAbroad or its affiliates;

(c) it is preventing an offence or it is protecting the national security;

(d) it is protecting the individual security or the public security.

In case HelpGoAbroad is merging or is acquired totally or partially by another company, the database is transferred to the new controller. In case HelpGoAbroad becomes insolvent, voluntarily or involuntarily, the database can be sold, authorized or transacted through the legal administrator or through the buyer only with the Court consent. In case of any of the above situations, you shall be notified by email or by a notice posted on HelpGoAbroad websites.

The empowerment of the third parties for hosting services, security, maintenance and marketing and technical support activities

In order to provide its services, HelpGoAbroad empowers the following third parties for its legitimate interest, and the mandated companies of HelpGoAbroad can process the provided data only for the purpose for which they were transmitted, according to the article 28 of GDPR. The mandated companies shall keep the above mentioned personal data for the same period for which the data are processed as herein mentioned:

Hosting Services: 

Hetzner Online GmbH - Germany Datacenter: with location at: Industriestr. 25 91710 Gunzenhausen, Germany

Cookies and other similar technologies

The natural persons can be associated with the online identifiers provided by the devices, apps, the tools and their protocols, such as IP addresses, cookies identifiers, as well as the identifying labels through radio frequency. These can provide tracking, especially when they are combined with unique identifiers and other information received by the servers, they can be used for creating profiles of the natural persons and for their identification.

A cookie is an information transmitted on the computer of a user, which identifies information regarding the concerned persons. HelpGoAbroad and the mandated companies are using cookies for providing an easier navigation and in order to track / retain the visitors preferences, for statistic purposes, for informing, optimising and disseminating announcements / commercials taking into account the previous visits of an user, both on the website platform, as well as on the mobiles apps. HelpGoAbroad uses cookies including on the browsers for the access of these websites or on the third parties websites that host our plug-ins.

The web beacons are transparent pixel images that are used for collecting information related to the website use.

The users have the option to set the browser so as to reject the cookies, click here for their deactivation. The cookies deactivation could have a negative impact on the navigation on the website, for example they cannot see certain images/get access to some options/facilities. 

Below we present you description of the purpose of these modules, as well as their modality of use: 

Generally, the cookies modules are divided in two distinct categories: the essential ones and the non-essentials. The essential cookies are needed for providing the information required by the user on the platform.

The other categories of cookies are used by HelpGoAbroad for the following purpose:

  • Authentication and log in: keeping the user logged in, by retaining relevant information about him/her and by the experience customisation within the platform functionalities use. 
  • Functioning, preferences setting, analysis and performance: Saving the settings and the preferences of various functionalities, such as language, communication modality, site navigation, manifested interests, searches. 


HelpGoAbroad disseminates graphic announcements, which can appear as images, animation or videos, text announcements, which may appear as text links through an external company, that allows to display the commercials on our site. These commercials might use information (that do not include the name, the address, the email or the phone number) about the users visits of HelpGoAbroad or other websites, in order to offer advertisements about jobs, companies/goods, and services of their interest.

The partners we work with, such as Google use such cookies for filtering the displayed information, taking into account the previous visits made on and/or other websites. For more information, please visit the following link: Google Policy for Commercials.

The below tools help us in understanding the platform users interaction and their analysis allows us send publicity messages in view to promote some customised adds that are compatible with your activity.

  • The Google Analytics programme is used by the platform in order to analyze the internet traffic provided by Google, by using cookies that help HelpGoAbroad to understand the way in which the users are using the platform, by compiling reports related to the platform activity.
  • The Google Adwords programme: is used for providing information to the users that search for our services, as well as customized adds, based on behavior.

The users can manifest their opt-out for Google Analytics, by accessing the link:

The users options related to the cookies policy

The concerned persons have the right to adjust the confidentiality settings by blocking the cookies in the used browsers, but this option can negatively affect the optimal functioning of the used websites, and can impact including the saved and customised settings of the platforms regularly visited. At the same time, the browsers offer the opportunity to the users to specify which are the authorised sites for using the cookies modules.

By accessing the following links, the users can obtain information about the cookies setting modality on various used browser platforms:

The users can get additional information on the way the cookies are functioning by accessing the following links: 

The rights of the concerned person

As a user of HelpGoAbroad platform, according to GDPR dispositions, you have the following rights:

The right of access to information: You can ask for the confirmation of the fact that HelpGoAbroad is processing personal data related to you;

In the affirmative case, you can ask for the access to the following information:

a) the purpose of processing;

b) the concerned personal data categories;

c) the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data were or are going to be disclosed, especially the recipients from third countries or international organisations; 

d) whenever is possible, the period for which the personal data shall be stored or, if this is not possible, the criteria used for establishing this period; 

e) the existence of the right to ask for the rectification or deletion of personal data or the restrictions of the personal data processing related to the concerned person or the right to oppose to the processing;

f) the right to complain to a surveillance authority;

g) in case the personal data are not collected from the concerned person, any available information related to their source;

h) the existence of an automated decisional process, including the creation of profiles, mentioned at article 22, paragraphs (1) and (4), as well as, at least in those cases, pertinent information regarding the used logics and related to the importance and consequences envisaged by such a processing for the concerned person.

When the personal data are transferred to a third country or to an international organization, the concerned person is entitled to be informed related to the adequate guarantees, based on the article 46 regarding the transfer.

The right to rectification

You have the right to get, without unjustified delay, the rectification of the inexact personal data. Taking into account the purpose of the processing, the concerned person has the right to obtain the completion of the incomplete personal data, including by providing an additional declaration.

The right to data deletion ("the right to be forgotten")

You have the right to obtain the deletion of personal data related to you, without unjustified delay, in case of any of the following reasons:

  1. (a) the personal data are not any more necessary for fulfilling the purpose for which they were collected or processed;

(b) the concerned person withdraws the consent based on which takes place the processing and there is no legal ground for processing;

(c) the concerned person is opposed to the processing, based on article 21, paragraph (1) and there are no legitimate reasons that prevail for the processing or the concerned persons is opposing to processing based on article 21, paragraph (2);

(d) the personal data were illegally processed;

(e) the personal data must be deleted in order to observe a legal obligation, according to the European Union or domestic law.

The exercise of the above-mentioned rights is not applicable when the processing is needed:

(a) to exert the right to freedom of expression and to information;

(b) to observe a legal obligation which stipulates the processing according to the European Union or domestic law or to fulfil a task executed in the public interest; 

(c) for public interests reasons in the public health sector;

(d) for archiving in public interest, for scientific or historical research or for statistics purposes, whenever the right exerted can make impossible or can seriously affect the fulfillment of the respective processing objectives; or

(e) to determine, exert or defend a right in a court.

When HelpGoAbroad made public the personal data and is obliged to delete them, taking into account the available technology and the cost of implementation, we shall take the reasonable measures, including technical measures, in order to inform the third parties that process the personal data that the concerned person requested the deletion by these controllers of any link to such data or of any copies or reproductions of the personal data.

The right to restrict the processing

You have the right to obtain the restricting of the processing in any of the following cases:

(a) the concerned person is contesting the data accuracy, for the period that allows the controller to check the data accuracy;

(b) the processing is illegal, and the concerned person is opposed to the personal data deletion, and requests in exchange to restrict their use;

(c) the controller does not need anymore the personal data for processing, but the concerned person ask for them for the determination, exercise or defense of a right in a court;

(d) the concerned person has opposed to the processing, according to the article 21, paragraph (1), for the period when it is checked if the controller legitimate rights prevail on those of the concerned person.

The right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data related to you and that were provided in a structured format, currently used and that can be automatically read and has the right to transmit these data to another controller, without obstacles from the controller to whom were provided the personal data, when:

(a) the processing is based on the consent based on article 6.1, letter a);

(b) the processing is made through automated means.

When exerting his/her right to the data portability, the concerned person has the right that his/her personal data is transmitted directly from a controller to another one, whenever this is possible from technical point of view.

The right to opposition

You have the right to opposition, taking into account your particular situation, to the processing, based on article 6, paragraph (1), letter (e) or (f), including to the creation of profiles based on these dispositions.

In this case, the personal data won't be processed, except when legitimate and imperious reasons are demonstrated, that justify the processing and that prevail on the interests, rights, and freedoms of the concerned person or when the purpose is to determine, exert or defend a right in a court.

When the personal data processing has as the purpose the direct marketing, you have the right to the opposition in any moment to the processing for this purpose of your related personal data, including for the creation of profiles, when this is linked to the respective direct marketing.

The automated individual decision process, including the creation of profiles

You have the right not to be the object of a decision based on an automated decision, including the creation of the profile, which can have legal effects that relate to you or can affect you similarly in a significant way.

The above-mentioned provisions do not apply when the decision:

(a) is needed for concluding or executing a contract between the concerned person and you;

(b) is authorized by the European Union or domestic law and which stipulates, as well, the corresponding measures for protecting the rights, the freedoms and legitimate interests of the concerned person; or

(c) is based on your explicit consent.


Modifications of the Personal Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy

If we consider that it is necessary a modification of the confidentiality rules, we shall publish those modifications on this page, in order to inform you on the types of information we collect and use. If you have any questions regarding our confidentiality policy, please write us at the contact details provided.

Thank you for using our services. We assure you that we shall do our best to offer you always the best services and to remain your friend for various online services.