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Russian language school Expert

Russian language school Expert

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About Russian language school Expert


Language school “Expert” has been one of the leaders in education since October 2002.
We have gained an excellent reputation due to our experienced teacher trainers and highly qualified teachers. Courses are based on the well-known communicative method proved by time and practice. This method is aimed at simultaneous development of the main skills (oral and written speech, listening reading, grammar, pronunciation) in the process of communication. It forms fluency and accuracy at the same time so that you speak fluently and correctly.
‘Expert” is the best solution for those who need to learn a language quickly and thoroughly and also for those who are coming to Russia and would like to learn Russian.
We provide a wide range of services. They include the following:
• Tutorials, group courses and corporate courses of Russian as a foreign language;
• Tutorials, group courses and corporate courses of foreign languages for adults and children (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish);
• Translations and interpretations.
We offer various courses for every level of language competence: from elementary to advanced for those who would like to learn general language and language for professionals (business, tourism, etc.).
Our teachers of Russian have a special linguistic education, certificates from the Russian Language Institute of A.S. Pushkin and other leading Russian centers of Russian as a foreign language. Our students pass examinations for TRKI certificates successfully.

Programs at Russian language school Expert