Date Posted: 2024-07-11 | | Expires: 2033-07-11

CCSA - London Summer 2015

Program Description

CCSA’s four-week program enables you to experience the great city while earning 3 or 6 hours of credit. As an exciting and cosmopolitan city, London is a wonderful background against which to study a wide array of subjects. Beyond the classroom and field trips, the schedule will enable you to explore the world outside of London on weekends. You will reside in single en suite accommodation at the University of London King’s College Great Dover Street Apartments, while studying with faculty and students from other CCSA member schools at Guy’s Campus.

Students considering taking the option to add a second class should bear in mind that doing so will require them to be in class or mandatory class-related activities all day Monday through Thursday. Students may take a second 3 credit-hour course for an additional $700. The $700 second course fee is non-refundable following the first payment deadline. Your home university may have an additional fee, so check with your campus CCSA contact.

Information about optional trips will be made available in the spring of 2015 and include destinations, price, description of what is included and how to sign up. CCSA offers two optional weekend excursions along with a day trip to Stonehenge and Salisbury.
• WEEKEND EXCURSION #2: Friday, July 24 – Sunday, July 26
• WEEKEND EXCURSION #3: Friday, July 31 – Sunday, August 2
Orientations for each optional excursion will be held at 4:45 p.m. on the Wednesday before departure.

Program highlights

Shakespeare in Performance
Carol Stewart from Bellarmine University
It’s sometimes easy to forget that Shakespeare was an actor as well as a playwright, unless
you’re an actor who has had the chance to live inside one of his characters. His plays stay
with us not just because they are well-written pieces of dramatic literature: they stay with
us because they are working play scripts waiting for performers, directors and designers
to bring them to life. In this course, we’ll see several productions of Shakespeare’s plays at
the Globe, at Stratford and elsewhere, and we’ll practice different approaches to creative
interpretation as a means of getting inside the plays.
3 cr. hrs., UD (Group B)

Experimental Publication Studio London
Prof. Aggie Toppins from the University of Tennessee @ Chattanooga
The world’s oldest and rarest books; the edgiest and most experimental magazines; a vast array of small press publishing houses, niche bookstores, galleries and museums—London offers all to the hungry publication designer. Using the city as the site for critical exploration, this course will examine reading, publication design and the history and future of the book. You will gain firsthand experience with a culture steeped in typographic heritage. You will see, read and touch books that would be otherwise unavailable. You will research and design a collaborative publication, which will be professionally printed in the UK—a handsome addition to your portfolio.
Prerequisite: Typography 1 and Visual Literacy (or Graphic Design 1)
3 cr. hrs., UD (Group A)

Photography in Britain
Prof. Laura Hartford from Bellarmine University
Explore London through the camera’s lens. Learn about the technology and aesthetics of photography while creating stunning images in a nation where photography was born and where artists have been making photographs for nearly two centuries. Hands-on demonstrations of historic photographic processes and visits to iconic photography landmarks bolster class discussions focusing on historic and contemporary British photographers. Students will build a portfolio of photographs from their travels in and out of class and will learn to share these through blogging and book design. We’ll also visit some of London’s most spectacular photography collections and contemporary art galleries.
3 cr. hrs., UD/G (Group B)

The Chemistry of Murder
Dr. Judy Ratliff from Murray State University
Students will discuss the chemistry involved in murders and the methods used in the poisoning of famous people in London and visit sites relevant to the death(s). Sites visited will include but not be limited to The British Museum in London, the Jack the Ripper Walk, London’s Natural History Museum, The National Gallery in London, if possible a Shakespearian Play featuring the use of a poison, The Huntarian Museum and The Old Operating Theatre.
Prerequisite: previous background in chemistry or related science
3 cr. hrs., UD (Group B)

Watercolor Painting in the Digital Age
Suta Lee from Austin Peay State University
Sketch fabulous London using a digital camera together with the centuries-old watercolor painting medium. You will, by following the footsteps of the artist Joseph Turner, one of the founders of the school of English watercolor painting, create an artist journal that documents your daily experience in London. Our class will focus on watercolor techniques, on-site sketching methods, color theory, compositional design, history of watercolors, plus a bonus lesson on how to take better digital photographs and incorporate Photoshop for your painting reference. We will visit the British Museum, National Gallery, Tate Gallery, the Victoria and Albert Museum and several other historical sites. A self-published book (via online publishing) and a multimedia slide show will be the fruit of your travels.
Prerequisite: basic Drawing class or approval of the instructor
3 cr. hrs., LD/UD (Group B)

Law & Order: London
Professor Lisa Decker from Indiana State University
A Jack the Ripper tour, Scotland Yard, Big Ben, The Royal Courts of Justice, Magna Carta, Old Bailey, the 1066 Battle of Hastings Battlefield and many other exciting events and locations in London and beyond will be the key to our hands-on learning about the relationship between the English and American policing and courts. Join us as we explore the roots of the English and American criminal justice systems and compare current English and American police and court practices. A perfect class for students interested in law enforcement or courts and legal studies.
3 cr. hrs., UD/G (Group B)

Empire, Innovation & War: Shaping the Economic Policy Debate
Dr. Thomas A. Creahan from Morehead State University
What is the appropriate role of government in the economy? This contentious question dominates public discourse today, but Britain was the crucible for the debate, fertile ground for economic thinkers. What events inspired their ideas? And how did they influence subsequent events? We’ll put ourselves in the position of these great minds (in some cases, literally), as we examine events that impacted the British economy over recent centuries—wars, recessions, the Industrial Revolution, the waxing and waning of the British Empire—and consider how their reactions, their ideas, influenced political and economic decisions and evolved into the economic science of the 21st century.
3 cr. hrs., LD/UD (Group A)

The Appeal of Harry Potter
Dr. Ted Sherman from Middle Tennessee State University
Why are the Harry Potter novels the best-selling books of all time? As we read and discuss
the Harry Potter novels in London and visit film locations, we will attempt to answer this
question by examining the symbolism, imagery and ideas employed in the novels. We will
take a 6-mile walk of film sites in London, visit the Hogwarts Great Hall and Library in Oxford,
traipse through Snape’s Dungeon in Lacock and explore Alnwick Castle where Harry learned
to fly. There’s no greater place to read and study Harry Potter than England!
Prerequisite: students must have successfully completed their university’s lower division
writing/English requirements
3 cr. hrs., UD (Group B)

Myth, Legend & Horror in English Literature
Prof. Roy A. Helton & Dr. Staci Stone from Murray State University
King Arthur, Dracula, Jack the Ripper and Hobbits—who could ask for more from some of
the most interesting writers in English? We’ll venture into an incredible mixture of myth,
legend, mystery, romance, horror and history. But we don’t just read—we visit the places
the books describe. We’ll go to Glastonbury where King Arthur and his queen were said to
be buried. We’ll climb ancient tower steps at Warwick Castle where you can imagine a siege,
tour of a real dungeon and watch demonstrations of medieval life. We’ll walk the same
streets of London, where Jack the Ripper stalked his victims, and spend a day in Oxford, the
famous university city where Tolkien created Hobbits. How about lunch where Dracula’s
creator ate? You’ll read Malory’s Le Morte dArthur, Tolkien’s The Hobbitt, Stoker’s Dracula,
and Begg’s Jack the Ripper. The pages of these books are just the starting place for a trip into
fiction, reality and a few places in between.
Prerequisite: one semester of Composition or Basic Composition requirement at the
student’s school
3 cr. hrs., LD/UD (Group A)

The British Ghost Story Tradition
Mr. Ryan E. Reed from Middle Tennessee State University
No other country boasts a richer tradition of ghost stories than the United Kingdom, and
there are few places where belief in the supernatural persists with such tenacity. In an
attempt to understand why stories of the macabre and otherworldly remain so popular
and relevant, we will read and discuss classic British ghost stories, see a performance of
The Woman in Black and seek out lingering ghostly legends at Hampton Court, the Tower
of London and Pluckley Village. Whether you are a skeptic or a true believer, come on; the
ghosts of Britain await you!
Prerequisite: students must have successfully completed their university’s freshman
composition/writing requirements
3 cr. hrs., LD (Group A)

Keep Calm & Carry On: Life in Great Britain During World War II
Amy Tudor & Renee Culver from Bellarmine University
It’s been nearly 70 years since World War II ended in Great Britain, but that period of history
remains shrouded in myth. Come explore London, Dover and other towns re-shaped by
war and see how civilians lived under the threat of bombs and invasion. We’ll study the
evacuation of nearly 2 million children from London and follow the path of city girls who
formed a land army to keep farms running. And we’ll explore how the British “keep calm”
spirit helped to shape modern Britain. We’ll also visit the Normandy beaches where Britain
officially took the war to Germany. This course may also be of interest to students of Conflict
and/or Peace Studies.
Prerequisite: one semester of freshman composition
3 cr. hrs., UD (Group B)

Exploring the World’s Approach & Response to Aging: Healthy Living
Kathy K. Hager from Bellarmine University
Defining the world as our community, this course challenges the student to study the
dynamics of aging. Great emphasis will be placed on developing healthy behaviors and
defining financial security. A comparison approach will be used to determine how America,
England and a student-selected third country approach all aspects of aging. Beyond
theories, the student will experience how culture, politics, climate and geography affect
health. The focus will be on opportunities to experience the people of England; the ultimate
goal will be to appreciate the similarities of mankind and our ability to work together in
improving quality of life. Experience all these with visits to sites such as St. Christopher’s
Hospice in London, Stonehenge and centers for healthy aging!
3 cr. hrs., UD/G (Group A)

Through the Looking Glass: A View of Global Business in Action
Lynnette Guzzino from Thomas More College
Why are Starbucks, McDonalds, Unilever, Procter & Gamble and BMW successful
multinational companies? Do firms standardize or localize their products and marketing
message across borders? In this course, discover how culture, laws, innovation, technology
and economics influence the product and production strategy of international firms.
Through visits to sites such as Mini Cooper car plant and Unilever, learn how companies
manage marketing, production and pricing in different countries. Understand how you, as
a consumer, are a major stakeholder in the global economy. See commerce and consumers
in action through visits to Harrods, Hard Rock Café, Tesco and H&M. Observe financial
and political activities from visits to the London metal exchange and Parliament. Learn
how organizations assist international companies through Penningtons Solicitors and US
Commerce Department. From the vantage point of London, a business capital of the world,
get a bird’s eye view of how companies operate within the complex global economy.
3 cr. hrs., LD/UD (Group A)

English Architecture, Interiors & Decorative Arts: A Historical Overview
Dr. Dana Moody from the University of Tennessee @ Chattanooga
Absorb centuries of history though English architecture, interiors and decorative arts.
Take a glimpse into the everyday lives of past cultures by walking down England’s
streets, lingering within the interiors of its castles, manors and churches and studying its
everyday objects. Touring London’s museums and architectural landmarks make learning
an easy task. This course will lend itself to individual interests and goals while focusing on
architecture, interiors and decorative arts in England from the Medieval period through
the Industrial Revolution.
3 cr. hrs., UD/G (Group A)

From the Tabloids to the BBC: Exploring British Media
Don Lowe, M.A. from the University of Kentucky
Explore the colorful and diverse world of the British Media through field trips, site visits
and discussions with journalists and media experts. See and hear firsthand how British
journalists cover news and entertainment and how American journalists cover Europe
for the U.S. Media. Analyze British electronic/print media and advertising/public relations
agencies, including how they are regulated, how they function and who owns them.
How far can and do the media go in their news coverage? What are the ethical and legal
constraints? Is sensationalism the norm? What do the British think about their own media
and about how they are depicted in U.S. media?
3 cr. hrs., UD (Group B)

Power, Politics & Paradigms: Advanced Leadership Systems
Dr. Vikkie McCarthy from Austin Peay State University
London, the city of Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey, is the seat of power and
leadership in the UK. These sites, which house the legitimate and expert power systems
in London, are just two of many planned field trips for this class. A study of Advanced
Leadership Systems would not be complete without a visit to the Tower of London, once
home to such charismatic leaders as Guy Fawkes, Lady Jane Grey and Anne Boleyn. This
course combines theory, research methodology and application to provide the student
with a deeper understanding of the relationship between theory and practice in the
realm of leadership. Included are topics such as transformational/charismatic leadership,
contingent/situational leadership, and leadership styles. Other tentative field trips will
include visits to Cambridge and the Oxford Leadership Academy as well as local London
sites such as Scotland Yard and the Royal Observatory. Students will meet with local
leaders and be encouraged to assess their own leadership style in order to develop a
personal leadership action plan.
3 cr. hrs., UD (Group B)

Crime & Punishment: Murder, Mayhem & Dungeons
LeAnn Beaty & Professor Sucheta Mohanty from Eastern Kentucky University
Travel back in time to examine London’s very public execution of justice. Together we
will learn to critically analyze the effectiveness of the criminal justice legal system by
taking an in-depth look at some of London’s most famous criminals and prisons. Along
the journey we will also examine the evolution of correctional treatment of prisoners
including the history and abolition of the death penalty in England. You will experience
firsthand the Tower of London, Old Bailey and the London Dungeon. These sights will be
brought to life by examining real criminal cases such as Anne Boleyn and William Palmer,
the Prince of Poisons. This course may also be of interest to students of Political Science or
enrolled in a Paralegal Program.
3 cr. hrs., UD/G (Group A)

Our Concept of Mind & How British Psychology Shaped It
Dr. Thomas Wilson from Bellarmine University
Interested in a class filled with tours across Great Britain, unique excursions that take
you to major centers of learning and science across England and Scotland? Discover
psychology from historical and geographic perspectives where it unfolded: in London
and Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh. Like a Discovery or History Channel series on the
story of how British mental philosophy became psychology, immerse yourself inside the
show—filmed on location! Explore firsthand the beautiful places of fascinating history
where famous thinkers from Locke to Freud contributed to our conception of the human
mind. A great elective or systems course for psychology majors!
3 cr. hrs., UD (Group A)

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