Date Posted: 2024-07-11 | | Expires: 2033-07-11

Athena Study Abroad in Cusco, Peru

Program Description

The Cusco, Peru program follows in line with Athena Study Abroad's motto: Big World, Made Smaller. This immersive cultural program brings students closer to the natives and their everyday life in this Incan Empire capital city. Students will discover ancient ruins, meet llamas, and explore the beautiful surrounding mountain terrain.

Students will be attending the Academia Latinoamericana de Español, through which they will enhance their language skills, whether they are beginners or advanced. This emphasis on Spanish language instruction helps to make the cultural immersion more personal and enriching.

For students staying longer than 4 weeks, amazing Volunteer opportunities are available. Volunteer options include: Wildlife Parks, Youth Rehab Centers, Orphanages, Hospitals and many more.

Program highlights

Incan Setting: remarkable views of the Andes and the closest city to Machu Picchu

Your School "Family": friendly school staff treats you like family and gives you a home away from home

Price: Comparing the prices with other programs, you'll find this is a much more cost efficient to learn Spanish

Housing: students have the immersive experience option of staying with a host family, but also have the flexibility to also choose apartment living

Culture: a unique culture created by a mixture of indigenous and Spanish populations

Visa Support


Language Skills Required:


Age Requirement:

Email Program

Program Details

Types - Subjects

Agriculture, Business, Creative Writing, Culture, Hospitality, International Business, Latin American Studies, Literature


Peru - Cusco, Cusco, Cusco, Cusco

Program Price

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