Postat pe: 2024-07-11 | Expiră pe: 2033-07-11

Marine Conservation Training and Volunteer Program

Descriere program

The Marine Conservation Program at the NHRCP is designed to train new and seasoned divers alike in the practical applications of marine conservation techniques, taught by experienced professionals who have decades of collective field experience. The course covers the ecology of coral reef ecosystems, and then moves participants through a range of knowledge and skill development including research and monitoring techniques, coral reef restoration methods, shark population monitoring, artificial reef design and construction, mooring buoy installations, sea turtle rearing, giant clam nurseries, and much more.

While undergoing the training program, students are simultaneously assisting in the underwater projects, performing tasks while SCUBA diving. A normal day begins at about 9 am with a lecture and powerpoint on the days topic, followed by a short break for skill development and lunch. At about 12 o'clock the team heads to the dive boat. After the days dive, students help to enter data collected and perform other tasks like feeding the sea turtles in the nursery. We usually finish around 5 pm, leaving time for the students to explore the island or get involved in other activities such as snorkeling, hiking, rock climbing, yoga, Muay Thai, and more.

Evidențiere program

Joining a fun team of dedicated marine conservationists to protect and enrich the coral reefs of a beautiful tropical island. Diving everyday, enjoying the diverse marine life, and receiving training and work experience on real word research, restoration, and protection programs.

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Durată program

2-4 Weeks

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