Postat pe: 2024-07-11 | Expiră pe: 2033-07-11

Teaching English Volunteer Program, Santa Tecla El Salvador

Descriere program

A volunteer program created for individuals interested to teach English as a second language, inspiring and educating young students. Our initiative aims to form a generation of well-rounded students through the learning of languages, skills and values while presenting opportunities to overcome economic disadvantages and be self-sufficient.
We focuses on students from the 1st to 6th grade, where English is not part of their curriculum.

Evidențiere program

You can search for a free volunteer opportunity. Teaching You offers an opportunity to students or professionals in education to apply for our internship program. The minimum duration of this program is six month. Please note that the internship program is *free of charge, however, Teaching You requires our intern to perform a set of educative duties. *only covers accommodation. food, flight, and other miscellaneous expenses are to be covered by intern.

Suport viză


Selectează abilități lingvistice necesare:


Durată program

3-6 Months

Cerința de vârstă:

Email Program

Detalii program

Types - Subjects

English Teaching, Teaching


El Salvador - Santa Tecla

Preț program

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Companiile vor aplica la tine

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