Postat pe: 2024-07-11 | Expiră pe: 2033-07-11

Combo CI – CI (Intensive Spanish Language Course) + One-to-One Lessons

Descriere program

The Combo CI Course helps you to learn Spanish with an Intensive Language Course, focusing on 4 hours of grammatical, lexical and functional concepts to improve your communication skills, together with an adapted one-to-one lesson that enables you to focus on your specific needs. This program gives you the opportunity to have one extra class tailor-made for you. Classes are divided into 6 levels: A1 and A2 (Basic User), B1 and B2 (Independent User), C1 and C2 (Proficient User).

*You can obtain ECTS credits with this course (credits can be earned in Intensive Spanish Language Course from 100 hours, certificate issuing costs are not included in the study price).

Evidențiere program

Tía Tula is an effective institution of Spanish teaching with highly experienced teachers in a friendly and caring environment. We emphasize the importance of individual attention with our students. Our objective is to help you master the language and ensure that you are culturally immersed in the local lifestyle.

Tía Tula is situated in the pedestrian center of Salamanca: the student and tourist area, surrounded by the city's historical monuments. The school facilities reflect our concept of teaching: professional, welcoming and a friendly environment with small groups (maximum 10 students per class).

We offer great value for money right in the heart of the Spanish language.

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Spain - Salamanca

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