Postat pe: 2024-07-11 | Expiră pe: 2033-07-11

English Teaching Internship (TESOL) at University in Japan

Descriere program

In this English teaching internship, interns assist undergraduate English majors in Hitachi, Japan to improve their English. Interns work in and outside of the classroom to help students with academics and communication practice as well as creating opportunities where students can use their English in non-classroom situations such as playing games and sports as well as doing other extracurricular activities. Interns will plan, execute and improve such activities, working with students and university professors. Interns will learn how to become educators in an English as a foreign language setting.

Evidențiere program

Learn to teach English at a university in Hitachi-Omika, Japan. Take free Japanese classes. Make friends and have the experience of your life. While you must pay your own way, you only pay your expenses. No program fees are charged. This is a very economical way to intern in Japan.

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Detalii program

Types - Subjects

Education Management, Higher Education, Primary-Secondary Education, Education


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