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Summer Study Programs

Summer Study Programs

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SUMMER STUDY PROGRAMS offers high school students the opportunity to experience college life at PENN STATE UNIVERSITY, COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY, FORDHAM UNIVERSITY and at THE SORBONNE in PARIS. Summer Study offers a variety of college courses, enrichment classes, SAT preparation, community service, and leadership workshops as well other exciting day, night and weekend activities! Students completing 9th - 11th grade may enroll in our programs ranging from 2 to 6½ weeks.

At Penn State University, students take full advantage of state of the art “Big Ten” athletic and recreational facilities, the “Ultimate College Town,” and weekend excursions touring other colleges and universities in the northeast.

Summer Study in Colorado State combines academically challenging courses with the sports, recreation, and outdoor adventure available only on a Rocky Mountain campus. Students may choose from a wide range of educational courses, afternoon activities (outdoor, musical, or sports) and night activities (movies, concerts, ballgames, etc.). All students attend weekend trips to Vail, Breckenridge, Rocky Mountain National Park, whitewater rafting and more.

Summer Study at Fordham is a unique program set in the heart of the greatest city in the world: NEW YORK CITY. The Lincoln Center campus is conveniently located near excellent shops, stores and restaurants. Meals are prepared daily in the dining facility and students are provided a metro card for traveling around the city with staff visiting Manhattan’s most popular museums, landmarks and sights. Classes and are designed to be “high-interest, low-pressure.” Nights are also filled with amazing activities, unique to NYC: Broadway Shows, Top of the Rock, Circle Line Cruises around Manhattan, and more.

Students in our Summer Study in Paris program, have the opportunity to study in the most awe-inspiring city in the world, by taking 3 enrichment classes and/or a Sorbonne college credit course in French! Students lodge in all-suites hotel rooms, with a kitchen, bathroom and color television. A dedicated team of staff escort students on the metro to tour monuments, museums, and sights of the cultural capital of the world. Evening activities include dance clubs, café nights, “Paris by Night” excursions and more. Students get an opportunity to visit the Loire Valley, The Palace of Versailles and Disney Paris on weekend trips. A “French Immersion” option is also available for students who would like to speak French all day, every day.

All programs include lodging, meals, activity fees, weekend trips and meals on weekends.