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SourceKode Training Institute

SourceKode Training Institute

Despre SourceKode Training Institute


Industrie: Professional Training & Coaching
Tip: Private Company
Company description:

At SourceKode, we impart training in various technologies in the Software Domain as also provide a large pool of talent to companies across various regions. Through careful selection and close evaluation of Faculty member, we at SourceKode offer a teaching experience that most colleges find hard to match up to. Influenced by western holistic training processes SourceKode has refined the process of coaching provided to aspiring job seekers in India.

Love Teaching? We are Hiring.!

We are always on the lookout for talent who love sharing their knowledge. If you have had a hard time in college and wish to bring about a change in the present education system, we want you. We at SourceKode Training Institute are looking to bring revamp training with our holistic training approach inspired by western practices. Come! join us train India better.

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