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IES Consulting

IES Consulting

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Despre IES Consulting


IES Consulting is a Human Resources consultancy in the centre of Barcelona that facilitates recruitment and selection processes for international internships. We are the intermediary between companies, students and education centres in Europe.
We manage recruitment processes for students who are searching for professional internships abroad and we offer an outsourcing service for our partner companies who look for international students. Through direct personal contact with our team, more than 200 education centres in Europe already benefit from access to our database with internship offers in more than 1000 companies and hotels.
Created in Barcelona in 2005 with the development of the internship sector in Spain as our main objective, we continue to extend our cooperation agreements and improve our processes with companies and education centres.
After great success during our first years in Spain, IES Consulting now offers more and more possibilities, working with partners not only in Spain but also in France, Germany and Mexico.
IES Consulting has become a trusted partner for companies, students and education centres from various countries.

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