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Industrie: Nonprofit Organization Management
Tip: Nonprofit Organization
CIVS Kenya is a community development agency operating especially in the marginalized and poverty-stricken rural and urban areas of Kenya. We work with local Kenyan communities in order to help them realize their full potential through various projects we organize in different parts of Kenya.
We achieve this aim through its two program areas: International Voluntary Service (IVS) and Community Development. The INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTARY SERVICE is designed for people who want the chance to make a real difference in the fight against poverty, fostering development by the people as well as developing harmonious relations among people of different backgrounds and cultures. We organize short term, medium and long term and weltwärts project attachments throughout the year for volunteers for them to offer their services as they learn, gain exposure and experience.
Our COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT activities are run through Community Resource Centers Approach whereby we have established 3 functional Community Resource Centers in Ahero, Awach and Awasi areas, classified among the poorest regions in Kenya. We offer capacity building programs to the local people with focus on Food Security, Water & Sanitation, Vulnerable Children & HIV/AIDS, Vocational Training in ICT, Early Childhood Education, Good Governance and Emergency Relief in order to mitigate the effects of hunger, environmental degradation, diseases and mismanagement of public resources.
In our Early Childhood Education Program, we provide free education and day time meals to about 150 children who are either orphans or vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and other socio-economic challenges. This has enabled us retain more children in school that could have otherwise turned into school drop or and street children. We also offer training in computer ICT and work preparedness to the local youth in order to prepare them for the competitive job market and improve their ICT skills.

Programe oferite de CIVS KENYA

3 ani în urmă 2021-08-30



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