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Association of Relief Volunteers

Association of Relief Volunteers

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Despre Association of Relief Volunteers


The Association of Relief Volunteers (ARV) was founded in 2001 to assist the poorest and most vulnerable and neglected people in all of India, the indigenous Tribal people and the Dalit (untouchables) of rural Andhra Pradesh. ARV works to free these communities from their debilitating situation of extreme poverty. Since 2001 ARV has been working with these communities to house the homeless, provide food security for the hungry, offer health care for the sick and supplement the totally inadequate education of the children.
Building healthy stable communities free from discrimination, free from hunger, and able to access development opportunities to enjoy the right to life with dignity.
ARV provides housing to the homeless in rural Andhra Pradesh. They are homeless either because of extreme poverty or because their flimsy thatch home has been destroyed by one of the regular cyclones or floods that plague the area. Providing these people with a house that can withstand the weather challenges ensures their safety and is a promise of never being homeless again. Without the security and comfort of a home, there is no escaping the many hardships resulting from poverty.
ARV uses a network of local and international volunteers to facilitate delivery of its programs. This allows the organization to operate with a minimal number of paid staff and ensures that resources are applied directly to the problems of the people. ARV administrative overhead is a very low 8%. More than 600 local and international volunteers have worked with ARV to empower impoverished communities since 2001.
Funding for ARV activities comes mainly from individual donors and some minor administration fees for volunteer programs. Foundations are also approached funding for special projects.
Since its founding ARV had the following results from its efforts.
• Involved over 600 International Volunteers in Building Community projects.
• Recruited 280 local Indian volunteers to tutor village’s children.
• Provided supplementary education tutoring for 740 children in 7 villages.
• Constructed 220 houses for impoverished indigenous people (Dalits and Tribals) in Andhra Pradesh.
• Provided supplemental nutrition to 80 tribal children.
• Provided health referral services and medicines to 4 villages covering 280 indigenous people.
• Provided leadership training to 80 rural youth from 25 villages to facilitate their involvement in the development of their communities.
• Empowering people in 25 villages of Kaikalur mandal to claim their entitlements through National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.
• Increased the awareness of 5,000 people regarding their rights to government food related schemes.
• Provided relief for 500 families during the 2004 Tsunami and after various cyclones.
• Distributed clothing and medicine to 128 widows

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