Postat pe: 2024-07-11 | Expiră pe: 2033-07-11

Event Management - Wittenborg University

Descriere program

Join the Bachelor of International Business Administration with a concentration in Event Management and become experienced in managing events from music festivals to business conferences. Students will be enrolled in foundational courses before choosing a specialization. The Event Management majors will be able to develop their skills in management and even preparation.

We ensure that our courses at Wittenborg are always up-to-date with the materials necessary to become successful in Event Management. We include ongoing technological advances and always address any potential issues that students may face in a real-world setting. Our instructors are experienced industry professionals.

Evidențiere program

Mandatory work module for real-world experience
Learn the skills necessary to excel in this field
Learn in a multicultural setting that is only an hour away from Amsterdam
Our courses incorporate changing technological shifts and advances
Become skilled at managing everything from small events to large music festivals

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Detalii program

Degree Level

Bachelors Degree (Undergraduate)

Types - Subjects

Human Resource Management, Management, Public Management, Social Work


The Netherlands - Apeldoorn

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