Why Online Schools are Great for Travelers

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  3. Why Online Schools are Great for Travelers

Decades ago, men and women who traveled a lot, whether by force of circumstance or by choice, would have never thought of studying and getting that much-coveted degree at the same time. Doing so, after all, would have meant physically attending classes in school, and therefore giving up that nomadic lifestyle they have been so accustomed to.

But that was decades ago.

Since the advent of the Internet, online schools have mushroomed to cater to the needs of this group of people who refuse to stick it out in one place because they simply can't or because, well, it is just not that much fun.

If you belong to this group but are still skeptical about enrolling, here is a list of reasons why these online schools might just be the best fit for you:

1. Online schools are, well, online.

If there is one thing these schools acknowledge, it is that you do not have the luxury of time to go all the way to school to attend classes. That is obviously great news for people who are always up and about. You find yourself stuck in traffic with class starting in five minutes? No need to run or drive like a crazy person on the freeway. You find yourself enjoying the sunny beaches on the other side of the world? Don't worry, you can still make it to class.

To cut the long story short, you don't have to deal with all the stress of commuting or making the long trip to school from anywhere in the world just so you would not be marked absent. There are only three things you need to make it to class: a laptop (or a cellphone, whichever is applicable), Internet connection and yourself. That is basically it!

2. Online schools are relatively cheap.

You can save money if you enroll in an online school, precisely because you would not have to pay for any of the miscellaneous fees you would have had to pay had you been enrolled in a school using the traditional classroom setup instead.

Because classes are basically online, you would not have to spend a penny to commute to school, nor shell out money for that favorite Starbucks coffee you usually drink during that long commute. You can also save money from paying your apartment rents if you choose to study in a school away from home.

So what does this all mean to a traveler like you? Simple. It means you would have more money to spend on your next trip!

3. Online schools offer many quality degrees you can choose from.

Online education may be a fairly recent phenomenon but it does not mean that these schools do not offer the same quality courses that traditional schools offer.

As a matter of fact, some schools that started out the "traditional" way have already incorporated online education into their curricula.

Want to be a teacher? The Harvard Graduate School of Education offers certificate programs in specialized education fields - advanced education leadership, school management leadership, and early education leadership.

How about a degree specializing in fitness and medical focused careers? Excelsior College offers an online bachelor of science in health sciences degree. The California Baptist University, on the other hand, offers an online bachelor of science in kinesiology degree.

There are many online schools that offer quality degrees, and these cut across all types of fields.

Really, it is just a matter of choosing the right fit for you.

4. Online schools are all about learning and adventure!

People who live a nomadic lifestyle are more often than not the fun types who always look for adventure. Although there is obviously an emphasis on learning in online schools, you should know that there will be no scarcity of adventure nor fun either.

In many instances, you will have to do your homework in a moving vehicle, or maybe Skype with your groupmates to prepare for a final report while riding a tricycle in Manila. Wait until you have that online group discussion with your classmates while riding an elephant in India, or when you have to finish your test while cruising on a ship in the Caribbean.

Online schools will give you that badly needed dose of adventure while teaching you what you need to know to be a successful professional in the future.

So what are you waiting for?

Get that laptop and enroll now!

The world, after all, is waiting for you in both the literal and figurative sense.

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