Study Abroad in Italy

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The diverse, beautiful, and historical country of Italy is the perfect place to study abroad. Between the sheer breadth of subjects to study and the enormous amount of delicious food to eat, why would you not travel to Italy? Imagine sitting in a café and watching the elegantly dressed locals pass by while you sip an espresso and then head off to a class on Italian architecture or the Italian Renaissance. As a student, you would have the free time to travel to the surrounding countryside or to the other major cities. Pick up a melodious foreign language and test your rising skill in stores and restaurants. Your fellow students will become some of your closest friends and you will not be able to wait to get back after you time overseas is over. 


Italy at a Glance

Domestic Population: 61.8 Million People

Capital City: Rome

Language: Italian

Currency: Euro

Trivia: There are two other sovereign states in the borders of Italy: Vatican City and the Republic of San Marino.



When is The Best Time to Study in Italy

One of the best parts of being in a study abroad program is that there is such a variety of time spans to choose from. You could do a summer program, go during winter vacation, participate in a short spring break trip, or stay for the semester or year. Italy is a wonderful place to go all year round because there are a ton of different activities that you can engage in during all the seasons. 


Study Programs and Popular Cities in Italy

If you are in a language program, then you might want to consider a longer program since you will have a lot more time to absorb the local language. Usually cultural trips tend to be shorter and you will likely be taken to a few cities around the country. Classes that count for college credit can be taken during the summer, a semester, or through the whole year. 

Rome: The capital city of Italy is a massive hub of history, culture, and modernity. This would be a wonderful choice for students of history, religion, and the arts. 

  • SAI Programs John Cabot University
  • CEA Study Abroad Rome

Florence: This iconic Tuscan city is a haven for the arts. This is the ideal study abroad destination for students learning about architecture and artistic endeavors.  

  • CAPA Florence
  • Study Abroad with AIFS Florence

Venice: The romantic city of canals and Carnival is a dream destination for many and a definite destination for you. You could learn Italian in the heart of this dreamy city and find out all about Venetian history and culture. 

  • Academic Programs International (API) Venice

Milan: One of the most fashionable cities in the world, Milan is perfect for stylish students with a flair for all things academic. You can take classes that range from environmental studies to communications to music and film studies. 

  • IES Abroad Milan
  • SAI Programs NABA




Housing Options in Italy

During your time studying abroad in Italy, you have a choice of housing. You can choose to live in student apartments provided by the program or university. You will be living with a fellow program member and the apartment will be fully furnished. You can opt for a private apartment but your program cost will be higher.

Another choice is for you to find your own housing. This would give you the maximum amount of freedom to decide where you want to live in the city and who you want to room with. Just keep in mind that you should start your search early since apartment hunting can be difficult.

You can also choose a homestay. This would place you in a local home and is a great choice for those interested in Italian culture and language. Immersion is the most effective way to improve you language abilities. This option is usually a little more expensive because some meals are included. 


Costs of Study Programs in Italy

The cost of the program depends on the length of time, your housing choice, and the number of courses that you enroll in. Summer programs range from $6,000 and up. Semester options begin around $15,000 and increase depending on your decisions. Finally year round courses are $30,000 and up. Ask the program, your school, and the school that you will be going to for financial aid and the possibility of grants.




Wrap Up

Studying abroad in Italy would be a wonderful opportunity for lovers of art, history, and rich culture. Italy has so much to offer for the traveler, and even more for those who choose to stay and live for a time in this exciting country. There is such a vast array of subjects and cities that you could go back for multiple programs and still have more to learn. Spend your days experiencing life as a local and discover new passions within yourself that you can share with your friends and family back home.

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