Living in Canada: Pros and Cons

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Have you been entertaining thoughts of immigrating to Canada? If your answer is in the affirmative, then you are not alone. The country is one of the most beautiful and friendliest places on earth. It is no surprise that so many people from across the globe want to move there and settle. The vast North American country seems to have something for everyone.

However, before you take a plane to Canada, do you know what awaits you? Like any other place on the globe, the country has pros and cons. Information is power, and the more of it you acquire about Canada, the more prepared you will be to enjoy your stay in the country. So what are some of the pros and cons of living in Canada?

Pros of Living in Canada

  • Universal healthcare

The best thing about Canada is that it offers free healthcare to all its residents. We all know nothing can be more critical to an individual than enjoying robust health since health is wealth. In many countries, people spend ridiculous amounts of money on medical insurance to ensure they can get medical attention when needed. Therefore, access to free healthcare is a dream come true for many people who finally get to settle in Canada.

  • A stunningly Beautiful Country

That Canada is one of the most stunning countries on earth is no doubt. It is home to many picturesque mountains, lakes, forests, wildlife, and beaches. Canadian cities have fantastic architecture, and the country boasts some of the most interesting historical sites. From the breathtaking seafront in Vancouver to the glorious Niagara Falls, there is no end to the list of fun places you can visit while in Canada.

  • A Great Economy

As the ninth-largest economy in the world, by the year 2020, Canada is undoubtedly one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Therefore, the country's unemployment rate is one of the lowest in the world. This fact can only mean that there are several job opportunities for everyone.

Cons of Living in Canada 

  • Extremely Cold temperatures

One of the challenges that immigrants, especially those from tropical areas, have to contend with is the freezing temperatures. It gets worse, especially during winter, which may sometimes last up to eight months, depending on how far north one lives. The average temperature in the country can get to about 5 °F, and if you factor in the wind chill, the temperature can dip to as low as -40 °F in several places. Now, that is pretty cold, especially for visitors.

  • High Taxes

Nobody wants to pay high taxes. However, in a country with many social programs, such as Canada, there is no escaping the burden of high taxes. The high taxes can be partially attributed to the need to fund the country's universal healthcare program. Hence, you can agree that the high taxes are worth it due to the critical social programs that need the money.

  • Life in Canadian Cities Can Be Expensive

As much as getting employment and making money is not a big deal in Canada, all the items you buy will cost a little bit more. It means that once you purchase the basics such as food, clothes, electronics, and all other life necessities, you might easily be left with nothing as savings. The high cost of living in Canada can be generally attributed to the high import duties.


It is now easy to get updated information regarding the lows and highs of living in Canada online in minutes. All you need to do is to research online about living in Canada or visit Express Entry PR website, to get valuable information about living in Canada. No doubt, life in the Great North is worth experiencing.

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