Internships in San Antonio, Texas

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As one of the most historically significant cities in the South, let alone Texas, San Antonio may be an excellent place to visit as a tourist, but it is also makes a compelling case as a spot to relocate for those in search of an internship.

Over the past 20 years, it has ranked as a top ten city in terms terms of the velocity of its population growth, as economic opportunity and warm year-round weather have drawn increasing numbers of people over that period.

With oil and gas being only part of this city's employment mix alongside the military, healthcare and financial services, San Antonio has a balanced economy in which to seek opportunities, making it a good bet even as the energy industry is enduring a rough stretch of low prices as of the writing of this article (January 2015).


What’s San Antonio like?


While you now realize that San Antonio is a fertile hunting ground for those seeking an internship, most people that visit this city come to visit the Alamo and the other Spanish missions in the area, and to dine at the many restaurants and bars that line the Riverwalk. 

While these folks are in a big rush to take in these attractions before rushing home to resume their jobs, you'll have all the time in the world to slowly enjoy these nationally significant sights, and to discover local favorites along the downtown portions of the San Antonio River.

The topography across the city is flat to gently rolling, making it easy for bicycle commuters to get to and from work. Mass transit in San Antonio is mostly bus-based, with two streetcar lines downtown that helps move around workers and residents the core in a more efficient manner than the buses can accomplish.

San Antonio enjoys a marginal subtropical climate, in which snow and other forms of icy precipitation are rare. Snow only falls here once every 4 years on average, and the average January daily high is in the low 60's, making this city an excellent place for those that abhor the worst parts of winter.

The flip side of this is that summers can be unbearably hot, with the average daily high soaring above 90 four months out of the year (June to September), so ensure that your accommodation has A/C when you seek it out.

As far as the economy goes, the military and the defense industry stands alongside oil and gas as a major employer, with a workforce that is 89,000 strong. The South Texas Medical Center will be of interest to those with a health background, while presence of six Fortune 500 corporations will give those with a business background plenty of internship prospects here as well.


What kinds of internships are available in San Antonio?


Being the ninth largest corporation in America, Valero Energy requires a great deal of help in various departments, from engineering (chemical, mechanical and electrical) to various roles in its corporate offices (IT, accounting, etc). Lockheed Martin also has requirements for IT and systems engineers, making San Antonio a great place to for those bearing an Iron Ring to start their career.


How to find internships in San Antonio


While people tout the oil and gas industry as an easy ticket to wealth, it is an old-school corporate environment, meaning that those seeking an internship with a company like Valero Energy will have to dust off their resume and pen a good cover letter that communicates the value that you will add to your workplace.

Most important of all, you'll have to get out there and start meeting people already in the industry so you can build your network. Do all this, and your chances of landing a job will be dramatically higher than the application carpet-bombers that sit at home waiting for the phone to ring.

With many gatekeepers that make getting an interview incredibly hard, networking with those already employed with Lockheed Martin will also likely pay dividends for you. By attending professional gatherings through sites like LinkedIn or, you can begin to put a face to your name, making it easier for decision makers to give you a chance over the countless anonymous applicants in their system.  

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