6 Tips to Get Close to Scoring 800 on the SAT Maths Section

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  3. 6 Tips to Get Close to Scoring 800 on the SAT Maths Section

You will probably get a lot of advice on how to get the best possible score on the SAT maths section. Some people will tell you that you should be able to recall any mathematical knowledge accurately as soon as you need it. Others will tell you that you must know how to apply that knowledge in the test.

The SAT math section can be so riddled with words at times that you may feel you are taking the reading test. But you have to identify the mathematical problem underneath all those words.

There's no denying that mathematics needs experience, so you need to practice thoroughly to understand the wide range of questions you will face in the SAT math section.

However, learning and practicing can often prove inadequate to get that perfect score close to 800. You need to learn some strategies that can set you apart from the other test-takers.

We will give you some tips to get you close to that perfect score on the SAT maths section. You can contact a professional SAT prep tutoring if you want to learn many more of these tricks and strategies.

Use the Multiple Choices

Winning students know how to exploit the multiple choices provided in a necessity to their advantage. Sometimes, trying to solve the problem can take longer to test out the answers. So if you can, test them to find one that fits the best within the parameters of the question.

For example, if you have to find the value of x in an algebraic equation, you can test the answers to get the value of x in the problem. It can save you some valuable time that you can utilize to answer other questions.

Break Down the Question

As we mentioned before, some questions could be testing your reading and reasoning skills as well.Most students try to understand the problem in its entirety and feel overwhelmed.

They try to skip the necessary steps needed to make sense of the question or try to relate the question with the questions they have encountered in maths class. But some questions can be exceptional and not regular high school maths problems.

When you face such a question, you have to break it down into parts you can understand. Note down the information you gather from each part as they are all crucial to solve the problem. Once you have found all the pieces to the puzzle, you will get the answer.

Do Not Look for a Roadmap Every Time

Sometimes you may read aquestion and start to freeze up because you do not know how to solve it. You may face this for several questions on the SATs because they are designed that way. You do not need a roadmap to these questions as long as you have the correct knowledge.

Start solving these questions using the first clue you get, and you will slowly unravel the answer. The key to solving these questions is to find the first waypoint hidden in it. The rest of the problem can be worked out using the formulas that you already know.

Avoid Mental Math

You will not get extra points for trying to solve the problems using mental maths. Instead, use the calculator or pen and paper (for the no calculator section) to solve mathematical calculations. Students who are good at maths and can solve the calculations mentally know how to prioritize their thinking.

So instead of trying to show off your mental maths skills to yourself, leave the computation and focus on how to get the answer. You are allowed the use of a calculator for two sections of the math SAT. So use your calculators efficiently to get the answers quickly so you can move onto the next question.

Sometimes an input error can lead you to a wrong answer even when your computation was correct. So always cross-check things while using a calculator and do not make it your lifeline.

Draw Your Own Diagrams and Label Them

Some questions may provide a diagram with labels of information crucial to solving the problem. But if you see a note "diagram not drawn to scale," draw up your own figure using the information provided in the question and label it appropriately. It will help you solve the problem faster and more accurately.

Be Aware of the Nearly-Right Choices

The multiple answers for the SAT questions are designed in a specific way. The wrong answers are not just random numbers, but some of them can be very close to the right one to confuse the students. Some of these answers are also the results of common mistakes made by students. That is why it is crucial to cross-check your answer before marking them on the answer sheet.

Achieving a close to perfect score on the SATs can be tricky. Sometimes, even the best of students failed to get a score close to 800 because they only rely on their knowledge and practice. If you want to go beyond that, you have to learn and use intelligent strategies. Try implementing these tips during a practice session and see if you can score higher.

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