Date Posted: 2024-07-11 | Expires: 2033-07-11

Wildlife Conservation in South Africa

Program Description

Join a one month conservation program in Mossel Bay, South Africa and work to protect wild rhinos, elephants, and other mega and meso fauna. Program participants spend week days on the only free roaming big five reserve in the fynbos biome where they complete dangerous game training and assist in various conservation initiatives.
This program is a behind the scenes look into the wild conservation industry and is perfect for the aspiring conservationist or researcher looking to gain experience. Participants are hands on and involved in all aspects of conservation during their time in South Africa. Duties include assistance with reserve projects liek our white rhino gestation behaviour that monitors gestating and nursing cows to determine behavioural abnormalities when pregnant to avoid invasive pregancy tests; and elephant uitilization where elephant herds are trailed to study their use of this diverse biome. Participants also assist in animal darts and releases on an as needed basis as well as the removal of invasive plant species.
Accommodation is a two minutes walk from the beach and down time can be filled without countless adventure and nature activites. Inquire now for more information!

Program highlights

The only program where you live on the beach and spend each day on a free roaming reserve in the fynbos biome working to protect the future of wildlife and the environment! A true behind the scenes look into the world of conservation while making an active difference in the short and long term sustainability of wildlife.

Visa Support


Language Skills Required:


Age Requirement:

Email Program

Program Details

Types - Subjects


South Africa - Mossel Bay

Program Price

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Companies will apply to you too

Fill in your resume and companies will send you invitations to apply on their jobs and we will notify you directly on your email box .