Date Posted: 2024-07-11 | Expires: 2033-07-11

Panama Internship Program

Program Description

For over 50 years, Florida State University has had a strong presence in Panama City and is even our oldest international program. We work with Panamanian enterprises and agencies in such a multinational and dynamic city. There are many internship opportunities because of the regions business and natural settings. These are unique and noteworthy positions that will boost participant’s careers. This is the meeting place of two oceans and a center of world trade. This is an important region to enter into and learn about Latin America’s role within the globalized economy and business world.

Program highlights

Potential placements within the world of Business and International Affairs

•United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC
•United Nations Environment Program, UNEP
•United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA
•United Nations Development Program, UNDP
•United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF
•Save the Children International
•United Nations World Food Program, UNWFP
•Procter & Gamble
•National Association for Nature Conservancy, ANCON
•Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS
•International Federation of the Red Cross and Crescent Moon
•HSBC (high priority given to Panamanian citizens)
•Citibank (high priority given to Panamanian citizens)
•Banco General

Visa Support


Language Skills Required:

English, Spanish

Age Requirement:

Email Program

Program Details

Types - Subjects


Panama - Panama City

Program Price

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Companies will apply to you too

Fill in your resume and companies will send you invitations to apply on their jobs and we will notify you directly on your email box .