Date Posted: 2024-07-11 | | Expires: 2033-07-11

2018 Conservation in Archaeology

Program Description

Conservation is an integral part of the archaeological process and the post-excavation study of archaeological finds. During the excavation you will find urban structures, Roman graves and archaeological remains from the Classical period including Roman pottery, amphorae, glass, human bones, faunal remains, coins, metals –bronze, iron, silver-, ivory, etc. All these artifacts have to be treated in a particular way depending on the material they were made of, by applying a set of techniques and methods to preserve and protect them in perfect conditions against deterioration.

Once fieldwork is finished, those archaeological structures belonging to buildings and tombs remain out in the open and exposed to both human and natural agents of all types. Fieldwork in conservation will apply a program and a set of practices to the preservation and consolidation of archaeological remains located in the Roma city of Sanisera.

Program highlights

First aid for finds. How to dig up significant finds properly.  

Excavation, cleaning and consolidation of wall frescos or stuccos that could have paintings on them.  

Conservation and consolidation of opus signinum pavements.

Consolidation of Roman cisterns lined by opus signinum, which were used in the storage of liquids.

Reconstruction of archaeological structures with fallen stones.  

Reconstruction of the original height of some structures.  

Applying methods to avoid the collapse of the ground or the growth of vegetation that can degrade structures and tombs.  

Reinforce some structures by applying modern consolidating materials.

Visa Support


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Age Requirement:

Email Program

Program Details

Types - Subjects

Archaeology, Art History, Classical Studies


Spain - Mercadal, Es Mercadal , Es Mercadal

Program Price

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