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ISAD - Istituto Superiore di Archittettura e Design

ISAD - Istituto Superiore di Archittettura e Design

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About ISAD - Istituto Superiore di Archittettura e Design


ISAD has the purpose to offer a high quality vocational education in the field of Architecture and Design. After more than 30 years of experience, the Institute is involved in a constant evolution and changing process which allows it to bring up to date whether the address of the didactics or the teachers who are presently young professionals actively engaged either in the freelance profession or into the critical or editorial field. A changing which in any case has not injured the original spirit of the Institute which goes on to be founded on the work groups, on the presence of the teachers, on the students' social life, on the interchangeable of the experiences and of the teachers as well. The spirit of community, where a good competition does not exclude the collaboration and the mutual exchange.

Programs at ISAD - Istituto Superiore di Archittettura e Design

Our team is full... for now

We are in continous expansion. New programs might be available soon. We will let you know when new programs appear if you mark our profile as favorite using the Follow button above .

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