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Discover and Volunteer Nepal

Discover and Volunteer Nepal

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About Discover and Volunteer Nepal


Discover and volunteer Nepal (DAV Nepal) is an officially registered local volunteering organization specializing in cheap and affordable volunteering opportunities in Nepal. We work for the benefit of several local (and disadvantaged) communities. We are a group of Nepalese volunteers and Development Studies graduates who have background work experiences in tourism. We opened this organization combining all our interests, chief of which is to promote development projects and eventually try and better the socio-economic status of communities where we have chosen to work. We offer international volunteers customized projects opportunities that benefit both the volunteers and the people of Nepal combined with adventure activities in Nepal.

DAV Nepal carries the mission to promote volunteer opportunities throughout the country. Our concern is to work differently than the heavily donor-dependent NGO model, which as development graduates we have seen failing before our eyes. Of course the scale of our programs are small but we are determined to see that our projects reflect a very local understanding of the communities and that it is run with enthusiastic support from all stakeholders. If we start a project and run it with our volunteer friends, we want to make sure that the community is equally interested, participating and in fact sustaining it. We aim to link international volunteers with Nepali locals in an attempt to genuinely put something good to fruition. And we will make sure that volunteers will thoroughly enjoy the process and will gain a deep understanding of a community that is in all respects mostly strange to them.

What we do:
Customized projects for impactful volunteering.
To provide volunteers with an authentic Nepali experience that includes complete cultural immersion in local communities
Language lessons, cultural orientation and assistance in understanding local history and contexts.
provide our volunteers the every opportunity to participate in adventure activities, tour and sightseeing in Nepal
Assist people who come to Nepal to study, conduct research, and do voluntary work
Through volunteer exchanges and volunteer's expertise, build capacity of local communities in Nepal to enterprise and support their participation in the labor market.

Programs at Discover and Volunteer Nepal

Our team is full... for now

We are in continous expansion. New programs might be available soon. We will let you know when new programs appear if you mark our profile as favorite using the Follow button above .

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