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Chhahari Group Nepal

Chhahari Group Nepal

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About Chhahari Group Nepal


Chhahari Group Nepal is volunteer organization in 2001 and registered with social welfare council of Nepal. It is a non–governmental and extremely non-profitable organization established with the objective of changing and promoting the status of the country. All the members of this group are from different part and have traveled many sites of the country. The members of this group have collected enough experiences in volunteering works and are familiar with every problems of the community. Being known of this, we together try to organize and finally establish the CHHAHARI GROUP NEPAL.Nepal, being rich in natural beauty, have many natural and cultural heritages, peculiar cultures, religions, different groups of people having wonderful attitudes and opinions. So the cultures, religions and environment have the highest contribution to promote society of the community, due to which they will develop and the country itself develop similarly. But, most of the people of Nepal (generally outside Kathmandu) are not getting the proper education, health facilities, drinking water etc. Chhahari Group Nepal has strictly vowed to overcome with the problems that have appeared in any part of the country. Generally, Chhahari Group Nepal are oriented in providing the facilities in health, education, drinking water, sanitation and so on respectively. A single effort will not sufficient to solve the whole problems. so, if all, national and international volunteers work collectively, the entire problem can be solved.Chhahari Group Nepal is such volunteering organization in which each and every volunteers are the members of this group and to show the right way and to guide the volunteers the specific problems is its motto. Moreover, all volunteers can spend most of their time with this group.This group is basically oriented in the following:
- English Teaching
- Community development
- Orphanage
- Information Technology
- Marketing
- Human Resource Development
- Environment
- Conservation work
- Health
and many other as per volunteers interests and opinionsChhahari Group Nepal offer volunteering program in every areas through collaboration with local people due to which volunteers can select the suitable sites as per their interests. Note: no any experiences is required.HEARTILY REQUESTLet’s join with our hands to bring positive change in society. Let’s wish that CHHAHARI GROUP NEPAL will be more successful at volunteering works in every aspects, So, HEARTILY WELCOME TO ANY SUPPORTING GROUP, ORGANIZATION, VOLUNTEERS AND INDIVIDUAL…… to join in CHHAHARI GROUP NEPAL. Your suggestions, views, opinions, thoughts are more worthy for us.

Programs at Chhahari Group Nepal