Date Posted: 2024-07-11 | Expires: 2033-07-11

Business Administration: Management Consulting

Program Description

New technologies, internationalization and connected markets have sparked a wave of transformation in the world of organizations. Many organizations are looking for answers on big questions. What strategy should we follow? Which organizational form fits best in the new environment? How do we ensure our change efforts pay off? Consultants play a crucial role in helping organizations to find answers to those often fussy questions, and they guide them during implementation, when solutions have been defined.

The MC programme challenges students to gain the knowledge, mindset and skills a 21st century consultant needs. In the courses they experience open questions, they study the bigger professional challenges consultants face, apply inductive and abductive approaches to find answers, and they are trained in methods to present their answers convincingly. Creative problem solving and rhetoric are a key in the program, as consultants have to be convincing. That is the only power they can exploit in interaction with their clients, when acquiring assignments, when developing solutions and during implementation.

Program highlights

The MC programme prepares students for a perfect first job. Being consultant gives you the opportunity to discover the not-for-profit and business world while working for different clients. The program provides students with the research mindset that will enable them to become a thought leader in their field, and it develops their critical and analytical skills.

There is no other programme at the nexus of practice and academia that teaches students to structure and analyze fuzzy problems. Moreover, in academia the field of consultant studies is quite nascent. That creates ample opportunities for students to contribute to academic research on consultants with their masters’ thesis.

Visa Support


Language Skills Required:


Age Requirement:

Email Program

Program Details

Degree Level

Masters Degree

Types - Subjects

Business, Economics, International Business, Law, Pre-Law


Program Price

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