How to Write a Resume Applying For a Job Overseas

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Applying for a new job is never easy, but time-consuming, nerve-wrecking and complex process. Moreover, in the «working abroad» case a lot is on the stake, so the outline of one`s skills is to be just perfect. But how can you make a resume for the job in another country? Are the resume standards the same around the globe? Do resume templates vary drastically from the one that I`ve mastered? What should I know to get the job abroad? Let`s browse the following tips to do well.

Take one country for starters

You may not realize it now, however getting a job in another country is really tough, so you`ll need a lot of preparation and homework. The first thing in the row is to pick top country you want to move in. Give this issue a careful consideration: discover cultural differences, browse visa details, find out info about A-list companies situated in the area, mind your knowledge of language and availability of job offers. Create a list of desired places in the Earth to go to and pick the best one.

Create a global resume

That means to generate an outstanding outline of your professional life and highlight your cross-cultural skills, show your other talents, which are unique and desirable for the position you are willing to obtain. Be careful, as, for example, in the UK you`ll need to write a CV (an overview of an applicant`s entire career) but in the USA there is no such thing, instead they have a resume (a concise outline of one`s skills relevant to one position). So spend some time researching the exact type of outline you are to present in a particular country.

The most widespread features of a global resume are:

  • Current contact details and address information;
  • Data about education and GPA (both secondary school and institution of higher education);
  • Precise info about achievements at the workplaces and successful projects;
  • A section, where tech skills and language aptitudes are listed (NB! Indicate your native language clearly!);
  • Professionally taken photo at the top of a resume.

Be attentive reading job description

Yes, keep your eyes wide open and give yourself some time to digest all the information in the job description. Do you have MOST of the experience for the desired position? If you don`t, move on to the more relevant fit. Are you satisfied with the offered salary? Take into account that you`ll need at least to rent a flat, buy some food and tickets for the bus. Will you be able to be there when asked? Bear in mind that you`ll need some time to get to the place, accommodate and only then you`ll be able to get down to business.

Keep your resume simple

Basically, resume format matters in all parts of the world. Your resume is to be easy-to-read, truthful and catchy, so you`ll need to use best resume font, which is sans serif of minimum size 10. Keep in mind that a recruiter from another part of the world can`t see how great you are, but he has your resume to understand what type of a human you are. Thus wise pick the style of a resume, which represents yourself. However, do not overdo, - the style doesn`t have to distract the reader from the vital info on the page. Also avoid using over-used words in your resume.

Think about summary sentence

Here your task is to convince the reader that you`re a perfect fit for the company and that you`re able to bring fresh blood into the life of the firm. The other thing to highlight in the summary is your prior goal, however do not go for long-winded explanation, two-three sentences are enough.

Discover appropriate resume/ CV length

You`d better watch it as there are various length preferences across the globe, for instance, in the USA a resume should be 1 page long. It has to be precise, short and relevant to the particular vacancy. However, if you have 15+ years of experience, this size can be extended up to two pages. In the rest of the world the general standard is more flexible, usually 2-4 sheets.

Understand a photo usage in resume

This issue is a dubious one. In European and Asian countries you can`t write a resume without a portrait in it. On the other hand, in the USA and the UK they traditionally avoid including a photo into one`s outline as it may be regarded as violation of the laws, which prohibit previewing an applicant`s appearance.

Line up your education and International working experience

You may face the difficulty of the expected amount of information you are to share in a certain place. A good example in this case is America, where a resume typically has only data about university and graduate`s school. Contrastingly, in most parts of the rest of the world it is preferred to list only basic secondary school information.

List your personal information

The diversity here lies in cultural matters. In such high contact cultures as Asian and European applicants commonly include their marital status, age, gender and nationality, however in the USA that`ll be really odd.

Don`t forget to write a cover letter

Creating a cover letter is a sure-fire decision for those, who want to be represented as problem solving and active worker. A cover letter shows to a hiring manager a candidate`s performance in action. The best advice here is to discuss current challenges of the company you apply for and offer ways to solve these problems. This will be your ace in the hole.

Always use LinkedIn

Social media are vital these days, however LinkedIn is the best one in the process of job search as it not only shows your professional activity and skills, but also gives a recruiter an inside look into your interests and preferences. That`s why you are to make sure that your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date. It`s also advantageous to follow top companies in the field of your work, comment trendy career discussions and make connections with experts of your sphere.

Tips To Score Bonus Points On Your Resume

A resume aims to create a good impact or impression on the recruiter. But how can you score bonus points on your resume when applying for work overseas? Check out the following tips:

  • Prove Your Linguistic Skills
You can gain plus points on your resume when you provide information that you're already learning the language of the country by taking online lessons before your trip. For example, if you plan to go to Croatia, you can add on your resume that you're taking Croatian language lessons. This particular skill will definitely set you apart from other foreign candidates.
  • Mention Your Tech-Savvy Skills

Many companies consider tech-savviness as an essential skill when hiring new employees. So, don't miss the chance to capture their attention with a list of technical skills you possess, such as using different types of software programs and applications. Other examples of technical skills include coding or programming, data analytics, system design, graphic design, and scrum and agile proficiency. 

  • Takeaway 

You can create an impactful resume to apply for a job overseas with the tips shared above. Aside from highlighting your educational background and work experience, make sure to include the relevant skills you have to increase your likelihood of landing your dream job abroad. 

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