How to Successfully Work Full-Time while Studying Online

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Furthering your education while abroad, whether taking a short course in administration or a cfa course in Singapore, gives you additional qualifications that will help you take the next step in your career. Online courses help employees gain new skills they can use in the workplace, or help them build on skills they already possess, keeping them up-to-date with any changes that may have taken place since they completed their studies previously.

However, taking on an online course on top of a full-time job in a new city can be a challenge. In this article we look at five ways you, as an online student, can keep on top of your studies while working your full-time job successfully.

Create a Schedule

Creating a schedule is an important first step to studying while working a full-time job. Although not necessary, you will find it easier to plan the time you have available to study when you have mapped out your deadlines, know how long you have to complete each assignment, and have a visual reminder of when your exam dates are in your diary or calendar.

Find the Perfect Place to Study

Studying on the couch never works, as there are too many distractions and you end up being too comfortable to concentrate. If you are going to study from home after work, it's best to do so in a home office or in a room where you can close the door to ensure no disturbances. If you would rather study outside of your home, take to the local library for a couple of hours or go to work an hour or so earlier to fit in some work beforehand at your desk.

Find a Balance

Studying while working a full-time job can be incredibly stressful and tiring. In order to avoid feeling overwhelmed, to keep yourself focused, and to look after your overall wellbeing, it's important to eat healthily, drink lots of water, and exercise regularly. It is also important to socialise when you have the time available, as well as take a break every now and again. All of the following will help you feel good and study at an optimum rate.

Keep Motivating Yourself

It's so easy to lack motivation, especially when you come home after a long day and you're exhausted. When you feel that tired, the last thing you want to do is spend an hour or two reading and attempting to absorb the relevant information needed for your next exam. To stop this from happening and to keep yourself as motivated as possible, remind yourself why you are studying. This reminder will help you remember why you are taking on both your job and online course, and will help you to continue to work hard and take the time out needed to study.

It's Okay to Say No

Temptation is everywhere. If it's not a new season of your favorite program, it will be invitations to dinner or a night on the town with your friends. While studying you need to learn how to say no, especially if you have found yourself cramming for an exam you have in two days' time.If you have not scheduled in the time to go to a social event, it's better that you do not shift your study times around and ruin your routine, as it will be harder to get back into it.

Some days are going to be easier than others when it comes to your concentration level and fitting enough time in to your online learning. Don't let the stress or your exhaustion steer you wrong, follow the above five tips and reap the benefits of both studying and your job.

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