Environmental Work Abroad - EarthCorps in Seattle

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The perils that our facing our planet everyday; pollution, climate change, whole species going extinct, those issues aren’t going to cease unless there are warriors out there fighting for the Earth. Thankfully, an organization has rallied these environmental advocates together and they are known as EarthCorps

EarthCorps is a non-profit organization based in Seattle, Washington, USA. Their mission is to foster an international community dedicated to local environmental service. Young adults, between ages 18 and 25, from all over the world are invited to participate in the program that teaches valuable skills such as habitat restoration, community building and most importantly effective leadership techniques. 

Could you be one of the future EarthCorps team members that provides dedication, leadership and hard work to help save our one and only planet? Then this could be the opportunity you have been searching for. 


What is the Opportunity?

As of October 27, EarthCorps has released a new job opportunity to the international community- the chance to be an International Corps Member for 2015! They are on the lookout for non-US citizens to join other young environmental leaders for a 6-month learning experience that will help them develop their leadership skills in environmental service, community building and leadership.




What Are the Responsibilities of the Job?

Working in groups, 80% of your time will be spent working on environmental restoration projects. There will be a crew leader that will help guide the team in accomplishing various restoration projects throughout the Puget Sound area. Field projects will include native plant installation, trail construction and maintenance, invasive plant removal and control, erosion control and volunteer management. This is not a position suited for those who prefer to stay away from getting their hands dirty, sweating through difficult manual labor and working in the rain. There will be days full of non-stop shoveling, living in the woods for days at a time and trekking steep and potentially hazardous terrain carrying decent amounts of weight.




The other 20% of your time as an International Corps member is in training and community building activities that include retreats and workshops. These events are meant to bring the teams closer together, helping them to foster lasting relationships that contribute to the strength and efficiency of each crew. Some of the workshops are academically educational as they focus on the basics of Pacific Northwest botany and ecology, theories and concepts applicable to environmental restoration, and learning interpersonal and cross-cultural communication. 


Who Can Apply for this Job?




Applicants should have an immense commitment to working with other members from around the world, as non-US citizens are the target applicants. Future International Corps members should also be have experience doing fieldwork and exhibit dedication to volunteering and community service. You must also be willing to work in all weather conditions, as Seattle weather is relatively unpredictable and you can have four seasons in one day! 

Other expected qualifications include being between 18 and 28, no criminal record, and be able to speak conversational English. Educational requirements include a four year college degree in an environmental field and one year of work experience in the environmental field, OR five years of work in the environmental field. 


What Are the Benefits of this Job?




International participants will receive incredible amount of support from the organization in the form of homestay families, good, equipment and a monthly stipend of $240 per month. They will also sponsor international team members with a J-1 Trainee Exchange Visitor temporary visa. 


What Are the Important Dates? 

The application deadline is January 16th, 2015 and participant selection occurs during the months of February and March. Visa confirmations should be complete on April 17, 2015 and travel arrangements should be solidified by May 4, 2015. Your official start date is June 1st, 20115 and your end date or ‘graduation’ is December 10th, 2015. 


How Can I Apply? 

Using the online application, completely fill out and submit the application to Earth Corps by January 16th, 2015. If you have any additional questions the Program recruiter Rahel Stampfer will happily answer any emailed inquiries. 

For the official job description can be found here

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