Dream for a job abroad? Here are five steps for the same

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For those of you who have a lifelong dream of traveling the world, meeting new people and getting yourself familiarized with foreign culture, a great job abroad might be just the thing you need. Not only for fulfilling ones dreams, an abroad job also enable persons to expand their perspectives and open up their minds for the better. This will also be a greater move for ones career and will also make a huge impact on your life.

But many of you may still be reluctant as this may seem like a dream that is too difficult to achieve and the thought of relocating to a completely new and strange place a highly strenuous thing to even consider.

But fear not as you only need to take one step at a time for getting a job abroad and relocating there:

Here are the five steps for getting your dream job abroad:


·         Firstly, before starting the tiring process of searching for an overseas job, start by defining your goals. Different people move for different reasons. Whether you want to move to give your career a new challenge, or to explore the world and learn new languages and cultures and make friends with different people, or to have some exiting new experiences. For instance TEFL offers amazing opportunities for individuals looking to work abroad, for example as an English teacher or if you love children and want to learn a foreign language, working as au pair may just be the thing for you. Also with working as an au pair, you do not even have to worry about finding a place to live.


For those who are looking to give a new challenge to their careers, it is advised to first go through the local job market of the area in mind and also study well about the local job board. Another important step is to make an international LinkedIn profile as great opportunities are offered here for young professionals.



·         Research well about the country, work permits and living conditions and costs to make an informed decision about the overseas job you are applying to. After you have decided where you would like to go, do an in-depth research about the local job scenario, and get any work permits you may be requiring in order. Another important point is to gather a substantial amount of savings before you decide to leave, as going abroad is an expensive affair. Another pertinent point to be borne in mind is the fact that opening a bank account in your country of choice may be more difficult than you imagined. So it is prudent to be well prepared in advance.


Evaluate and understand exactly how much money you can expect to earn abroad. It is recommended that you review the salary package of a job on offer abroad, and before applying for it you should evaluate if it will cover for living expenses or not. A wise thing to do is to create a practical and well thought out list of expenses from beforehand based on the living conditions of the area of items like, food costs, transportation, health insurance, other bills, clothing etc. This can help you determine exactly how much money one needs to make abroad for living there comfortably.


·         Seek the help of numerous organizations that are there to help. There are several organizations which genuinely help individuals seek the right job abroad and also make sure that the transitioning goes smoothly. The Council on International Educational Exchange is highly recommended. This is a non-profit organization that helps individuals find jobs all around the globe and to learn or teach new things. Go Overseas is another organization where one can find good teaching and volunteering jobs in foreign countries.


·         Do ample searching and thoroughly screen through various job boards and portals. Make sure you do not forget to check your local job boards before you choose to leave the country. Also evaluate your resume and ensure that it meets the local resume standards and upload it to the local job portals as well. Also contacting recruitment agencies can also be of help if possible.



·         Start networking early. One can begin networking abroad and increasing his/her connections abroad much ahead of beginning their international job search earnestly. Begin by researching the job prospects in the country of your choice and start interacting with people overseas by following them and meeting them through their blogs and other social networking sites like LinkedIn and Twitter. Also make sure your local network of contacts does not remain in the dark about your interests in going abroad. Nobody can ever be sure when a connection from ones past can help them for their future.

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