Date Posted: 2024-07-11 | Expires: 2033-07-11

Wildlife Veterinary Experience

Program Description

Working alongside a wildlife vet in South Africa you gain real hands-on experience. Cases you work on vary widely, as wildlife veterinary work is very unpredictable, but you will get an amazing insight into this exciting profession and be directly involved in different veterinary procedures, while working in stunning locations.

We work with a number of different wildlife vets in South Africa and will consult with you to team you up with the specific vet who is the best match for your experience level and specific interests.

Your role varies from case to case and you'll assist the vet based on your ability level. Typical volunteer tasks include helping with the immobilisation of animals, monitoring vital signs, taking blood and administering lower schedule tranquillisers.

Program highlights

Working as an assistant of a wildlife vet, no particular procedures or species are guaranteed. However, the following are relatively common, so you are likely to experience at least some of these:

- Help protect South Africa's rhino. Vets are at the forefront of rhino conservation and perform many procedures related to rhino protection. Cases frequently experienced by volunteers include de-horning of rhino, microchipping of rhino and horn, darting rhino for relocation or in order to fit monitoring collars

- Taking blood samples from buffalo for TB tests

- Pregnancy tests or insemination of rare and endangered antelope species

- Chemical immobilisation of wildlife during game capt

Visa Support


Language Skills Required:


Program Duration

2-4 Weeks

Age Requirement:

Email Program

Program Details

Types - Subjects

Animal Welfare, Conservation, Marine Conservation, Veterinary Science


South Africa - Hoedspruit

Program Price

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Companies will apply to you too

Fill in your resume and companies will send you invitations to apply on their jobs and we will notify you directly on your email box .