Date Posted: 2024-07-11 | Expires: 2033-07-11

Osteopathy - Professional Placement in Hyderabad, India

Program Description

Support a learning centre for children with autism in Hyderabad by introducing osteopathy into early intervention programmes for children with autism in Hyderabad.
Due to missing institutional support, disability care is not widely available or accessible in India. Our partner organisation has taken the lead to provide care and treatment to children with autism and their families in Hyderabad. After opening a learning centre for 80 children, they are looking to employ more holistic treatment methods, and offer osteopathic care to the children.
Osteopathic training is not available in India, so that the staff at the learning centre has not had the opportunity to understand the benefits and working of alternative methods. This placement puts a passionate professional in the right position to advocate the benefits of osteopathy and make treatment available to children that need it the most.
The focus of this placement is on the development and implementation of a holistic treatment plan for children with autism. Whilst you will be working with the children directly, you will also collaborate with local staff and provide training through hands-on demonstrations and theoretical sessions. To make the greatest impact, you'll also get the chance to work with teachers and parents, raising awareness about osteopathy and its benefits.
This placement is a fantastic challenge for an individual passionate about their profession, and looking for personal and professional development.

Program highlights

This placement gives a passionate osteopath the opportunity to advocate for their profession and make a real impact in the lives of children with autism in India. Skill-based volunteering stresses the learning benefits both to the volunteer as well as the partner organisation. Working closely as an integral part of a local team, you will develop and expand your problem-solving skills, innovative and creative thinking, as well as cross-cultural working practices. New learnings, gaining a different perspective on your field, and full cultural immersion set the stage for powerful personal and professional development - whilst making a long-term impact on the working of the partner organisation.

Visa Support


Language Skills Required:


Age Requirement:

Email Program

Program Details

Types - Subjects

Health Care, Health Education, Medicine


India - Hyderabad

Program Price

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Companies will apply to you too

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