Postat pe: 2024-07-11 | Expiră pe: 2033-07-11

Leatherback Turtle Research, Costa Rica

Descriere program

Volunteer as a sea turtle volunteer in Costa Rica and work to conserve and protect critically endangered populations of Olive Ridleys, Pacific Green Sea Turtles, and East Pacific Leatherback. You will be situated in the Nicoya Province on the Pacific Coast, on a site on the amazing phenomenon called “arribadas” where Olive Ridley turtles come up in thousands.

We have placements throughout 2014 and 2014 and you can volunteer for 1 week to 12 week throughout the year.

Families, individuals, students, and groups are all welcome.

By 2016, there is a chance that the Pacific Leatherback sea turtle will be in danger of being extinct. Take action by joining this project!

While this may be a challenging experience, it is a wonderful way to get out of your comfort zone by helping to conserve an incredibly endangered species. This project is in need of volunteers and you will have a memorable experience working with sea turtles.

Evidențiere program

You will reside in a homestay during the project within Ostional which has a nesting beach located right in front of this lovely community. While homes are basic and small, they are very comfortable with plenty of room of a bathroom, living room, kitchen, and two or three bedrooms. There are 110 families and 400-500 individuals in this community with a distance learning high school, elementary school, and preschool. There are pre-paid phone cards for pay phones and stores for you to buy drinks and food.

Many of the local communities do not speak any English or only a minimal amount and so a little practice on your part and a Spanish dictionary will go a long way. Your hosts and the community will be thrilled at any effort you make to speak Spanish. These are friendly and welcoming folk. Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements since your homestay family will make meals for you while you clean up and patrol.

If you bring your own computer, we have WIFI access at the Research Station and other hang out facilities and areas.

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Animal Welfare


Costa Rica - Ostional

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