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8 luni în urmă 2024-07-11

SEE TEFL 4 Week Teacher Training


Rating: 10.0 / 1 reviews

SEE TEFL was established in 2006 and has trained over 1,400 TEFL teachers. We are located in the beautiful North Thailand city of Chiang Mai. Our 4-week TEFL program equips new teachers with the class…

8 luni în urmă 2024-07-11

TEFL Indonesia ... TESOL Certification

TEFL Indonesia

Rating: 0.0 / 0 reviews

This is a one month 120 hour intensive course which will teach participants how to become a skilled and effective ESL/EFL teacher. The course focuses on methodology, language components and grammar wi…

8 luni în urmă 2024-07-11

TEFL course

Bay Language Institute

Rating: 0.0 / 0 reviews

bli trains future teachers! We offer an excellent, 120 hour, full-time in-class TEFL course designed with the practicalities of teaching people from different cultures in mind. The course covers …

8 luni în urmă 2024-07-11

Learn TESOL with GRB Ltd

Global Resource Bureau Ltd

Rating: 0.0 / 0 reviews

TESOL Online is designed to provide an overview of the basic principles and objectives involved in teaching English as a second or additional language. TESOL Online is a course which will introduce…