Postat pe: 2024-07-11 | Expiră pe: 2033-07-11

High School Student University Program - Next Step China

Descriere program

<p>Next Step China offers an excellent opportunity for high school students who want to go the extra mile with their language immersion. You can study for 4 hours a day in one of China's top universities in the city of your choice. Students are placed in a classroom setting with a 20-to-1 ratio of students to teachers. </p>

Evidențiere program

<p>By learning in the classroom, you will make new friends and practice speaking Mandarin together or with your teacher. After class, you and your new friends can practice speaking Mandarin in the streets of China. </p>

Suport viză


Selectează abilități lingvistice necesare:

Cerința de vârstă:

Detalii program

Durată program

1-2 Weeks, 2-4 Weeks, 5-8 Weeks, 7-12 Months, 9-12 Weeks


China - Beijing

Preț program

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