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International Volunteers Network

International Volunteers Network

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Despre International Volunteers Network


International Volunteer’s Network (IVN) is a private organization which was formed with an aim to source and mobilize international volunteers to live with and work alongside with local people on humanitarian projects with the goal to help the local communities improve their standard of living.
Our VISION is to break the cycle of cultural phobia and “profession-culture” biases that hinder global integration, leading to tolerance and better understanding of the similarities and differences amongst cultures.

The MISSION of International Volunteers Network Inc. is two-fold;

1. Foster the understanding and appreciation of the various cultural interfaces associated with globalization through broad-based inter-cultural exchanges, and volunteerism.
2. Working with local communities to identify areas of mutual cooperation like reducing poverty, diseases and ignorance and professional collaboration.

Established in 2005, this unique private organization is a brain child of persons with a passion for global awareness together with other several people including ex international volunteers who have joined their hands to share an international focus on sustainable developments for Africa and Uganda in particular by working together to increase the capacity of local communities to provide support services to families, women, youth, orphans and vulnerable children in Uganda.

1. IVN‘s objective is to promote peace, justice and tolerance through cross-cultural understanding and global cooperation.
2. Link volunteers from different cultural and/or professional backgrounds, through volunteer opportunities available with Community Based Partner Organizations around the globe.
3. Enable local communities tap into the global wealth of skills, knowledge and resources that would otherwise be expensive for them to acquire.
4. Develop, enhance and put to use, an immense pool of experienced volunteers as they encounter new challenges while enriching others along their path.
5. Encourage and foster the mutual sharing of the cultural aspects associated with today’s globalization.
6. Promote those initiatives, programs and projects at all levels of our participation that act as agents of positive change in the communities that we work with directly or otherwise.
7. Provide a one-stop information and service centre to those persons, groups or organizations wanting to volunteer in communities with different cultural backgrounds.
We are committed to enhancing quality of life in Uganda while preserving indigenous cultures, traditions and ecologies.
Our goal is to empower local communities through specialized three core competencies: (1) public health, (2) education and (3) entrepreneurship/business using the volunteer’s skills and financial donations. We believe that local communities are in the best position to determine their needs, and we provide volunteers to help empower them achieve their goals. And of course Volunteering is one of the great ways to contribute to the global community and gain experience, and also fosters personal growth. Therefore your volunteer time in Uganda will not just be a routine of work, but an unforgettable adventurous experience. Therefore if you're open to new challenges and enjoy working with and learning from local people, then you can contribute to and benefit from a service-learning program. What we ask of you is flexibility, patience, a spirit of adventure, and a sense of humor. And again, Most Ugandan cultures are very friendly though some provide a greater degree of predictability than others due to cultural norm.

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