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ETIV do Brazil

ETIV do Brazil

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Despre ETIV do Brazil


ETIV do Brasil is located in the beautiful fishing and surfing town of Itacaré, Bahia. Our mission is to connect international volunteers with local communities to support environmental conservation and youth development in Brazil.

We offer many volunteer and internship opportunities including teaching English, swimming or environmental education and training to children and youth. We also have several Literature Clubs for girls, that are also focused on empowerment and teaching girls to share their own stories in powerful ways. Beyond our youth development work, we have also begun some community organizing work and we are looking for a coordinator that can help us build a new women's empowerment project from the ground up.

In addition to being able to work in our local community projects, we also offer several volunteer and internship positions working in the ETIV office, while learning about NGO administration and international development. These positions include: website development and tech support, marketing and recruitment, graphic design, volunteer coordination, accounting, NGO administration and office support. Many of these positions are also available virtually and free of charge.

This is a fantastic opportunity to gain hands-on experience working with an international development NGO while living and working in beautiful Itacare, Bahia, Brazil. Itacare is a very special place that boasts a vibrant Afro-Brazilian culture right where the rainforest meets the Atlantic Ocean and beautiful beaches, jungles, waterfalls and wildlife abound.