Internships in Baltimore, Maryland

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Being one of the larger urban areas in the massive population corridor stretching from Washington DC to New York City, Baltimore is a city that is in a bit of a sweet spot in the region. Urban gentrification has made this city more desirable in recent decades, while prices here remain sharply lower than compared to what is found in NYC, Philly, or inside the Beltway of DC.

Its location relative to the American Midwest and existing logistics infrastructure from its days as a manufacturing hub has made Baltimore one of the busiest seaports on the Eastern Seaboard. Along with this metro area's vibrant service economy, there are more opportunities here than you might initially think.


What's Baltimore like?




Baltimore's Inner Harbor is the centerpiece of the citie’s gentrification efforts, with a major league ballpark, football stadium, science museum, an aquarium, a retail and restaurant complex, and other attractions making what was once urban squalor in the 1970s into this area's most happening place to be.

While some parts of the city are more desirable than others, the one building type you'll see the greatest amount of here (and a place you'll likely end up in during your search for a place) is the rowhouse. Found throughout Baltimore, no other form of housing defines this metropolis quite like this British-inspired brick and stone building style.

The city's geography varies greatly, with the far northwestern corner of the city sitting 480 feet above the downtown area, which sits at sea level. The weather is considerably milder than other major American east coast cities, with the area sitting inside the humid subtropical climate zone according to Koppen classification standards.

While winters occasionally see snowfall, it is sporadic in its nature, quickly melting after a Nor'easter event. Summers are long, hot and humid, with spring and fall on either end being the most pleasant time of year in the area by far.

While poverty remains a problem in the city, a side-effect of this are rental rates that are markedly cheaper than cities of comparable size and stature on the East Coast, making it easier to live a 21st century urban lifestyle without going broke.


What internships are available in Baltimore?




Baltimore's service based economy makes for a wide variety of possibilities when it comes to internships here. Those who are in the health field might want to straighten up in their seat though, as John Hopkins Hospital, one of the most prestigious medical institutions in the United States, regularly recruits students to fill intern positions through its endless specialty departments.

For those with a background in sports management, or those with a love of sports and an enthusiastic positive attitude, the Baltimore Ravens regularly seek the help of interns across departments ranging from marketing to ticket sales, as well as in broadcasting and public relations among other areas.


How to find internships in Baltimore




With the unemployment rate at around 10% as of late 2014, seeking out an internship here, just as with a job, will take a great deal of patience and self-determination. Don't lose heart at these statistics, as those able to compete effectively, adjust to setbacks, and persevere will end up with the positions at the end of the day.

It might as well be you, so study the background of your desired employer, get in touch with decision makers and find out what they are looking for in a young apprentice such as yourself. Doing this will put you miles ahead of those just carpet e-mailing resumes to companies and sitting on their behind, waiting for the phone to ring, so have at it!


In conclusion

Baltimore might not be the easiest place in America to find work, but with a high affordable way of life here, as well as a rapidly gentrifying core, the spoils of success here are far greater here than in many other centers across the nation. 

Your salary will go much further here, allowing you to live a civilized life, while your friends in much pricier cities subsist on a steady diet of ramen noodles and mac and cheese!

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