How to Write an Effective CV for International Internship

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  3. How to Write an Effective CV for International Internship

Writing a CV is hard enough to get right as it is, let alone trying to write one for an internship that could be the other side of the world. Do these companies still look for the same aspects in a CV or are they completely different? What sort information do you need to include?

Don't worry, all will be explained. Here's everything you need to know about writing a CV for an international internship.

Research is Key

CVs can differ depending on what country you're travelling to so it's important that you research to see what a CV looks like in that country.

"Although the recruiter will understand you're not from the country once they start reading your CV, they will notice how much effort you've put into making your CV as acceptable and as readable as possible," says Molly Block, a resume writer for Academized.

Using the Right Language

This one should go without saying but if your application is going to another where the people in the internship are speaking, for example, Spanish, you should always be writing your CV in Spanish. In some cases, it may even be wise to send both an English CV and a CV in the other language.

When you've finished writing your CV, it may be wise to have a fluent foreign language teacher in your school to look over your work to make sure there are no glaring errors that could risk your application.

Use Writing Guides

Whether you're writing a CV for your home country or abroad, one of the best ways to make sure you get the formatting, style and content right is to follow a CV writing guide. These can be easily found online at websites like Academadvisor where you can download and follow the guide, making sure you minimise the number of mistakes you make.

Consider the Length of Your CV

As with any CV, you need to make sure that you consider how long your CV is for a number of reasons. The most important of these is the fact that your recruiter may have to read through hundreds of CVs for a single internship and will want to absorb the information quickly without having to stay on one CV too long.

As a rule of thumb, try and keep your CV under 1,000 words, which you can track using tools like Easy Word Count, and try and keep it to one single page.

Make Sure Your Information is Relevant

There may be a lot of achievements that you want to include in your CV to make sure that your application stands out but some of it may need explaining. It's all well and good saying you've got a Master's degree to a distinction level, but if the employee doesn't know what that means, it's not going to mean much.

Highlight your skills and your experience over your education as well as highlighting why you think you're the perfect applicant for the job to avoid this being a problem.

Make Sure Your CV is Perfect

Before you send off your CV, it's vital that you spend time perfecting it, so it's free from errors and mistakes. These lapses in attention to detail could cost you your internship, and it's not worth the risk.

This means editing and proofreading your CV before you send it. You can use tools like Big Assignments and Ox Essays respectively to make sure these processes happen to a high quality.

​Use a Professional Writer

If worst comes to worse and you doubt your CV writing skills, you don't have time, or you don't want to ruin your chances at securing this dream internship, you can always invest in a professional writer who can write it on your behalf.

You can find these writers at websites like Resumention who can start writing from scratch or editing your existing CV so you can secure the interview that will secure your internship.

Other Little Details

There are a few other details that you'll need to remember to include in your CV. For example, if you've listed your contact details, such as your landline and mobile number, be sure to add the international calling prefix to the beginning of your number so your employee can get in touch.

You'll need to do the same with the address, and you may even need to list out your travel arrangements, whether or not you have accommodation sorted, whether you're single or travelling with a spouse and be sure to include your email address as this will be the easiest way to get in contact.


As you can see, writing a CV for an international internship doesn't have to be a daunting and overwhelming task. Many aspects are just like writing a normal CV with a few alterations. Just take your time, and you'll be sure to secure a position that could change your life!

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