How COVID-19 Has Impacted Tutoring Services

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An academic tutor is someone hired to provide assistance to people of all ages, including children and adults, in particular subject matters. Often, they can be found online at sites such as TutorMe. The ability of the tutor depends on their expertise. Some tutors may be good at mathematics and physics, while others will be proficient in language and other academic needs.

Tutors can be asked to teach you by a given schedule. Depending on your availability or your tutor's, classes may be done every day, every week, or whichever way you like. The time you spend with your tutor every day may vary depending on your preference.

It is easier to learn with a tutor when you're having a hard time understanding a specific subject matter. Tutors can provide you with all of their attention, because you'll be having a one-on-one interaction with them instead of full classes in a room with different students. This will allow you to concentrate more and learn quickly.

Tutoring Pre-pandemic

Back then, tutoring services were mostly conducted face to face, especially when technology was less geared towards virtual meeting. For parents who choose to home school their children, they can easily hire tutors from schools; however, tutors don't necessarily have to be a graduate of an education course. As long as you're an expert in a subject matter, you can legally teach and guide people to the best of your abilities.

Getting a tutor for a child is easy, and they help children more in understanding and learning better at an early age. Tutors do not purely teach face to face. With the development of technology and the rise of the Internet, a lot of tutoring agencies have adopted ways to provide services online. Also, freelance tutoring has blossomed in the past few years.

A lot of things have changed.


COVID-19 is a newly discovered infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus strain. Whispers of the coronavirus started in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, when a person apparently got infected eating exotic animals sold in their wet market.

News of the virus quickly spread throughout different countries, as it had very high infection rates. In just a matter of weeks, the province was locked down in hopes of preventing the virus from spreading. Unfortunately, this was not the case.

Due to late travel bans as well as the initial shock of a spreading virus, the spread was not only contained to different parts of China, but to other countries too. The whole world has been on lockdown since early 2019, and with it an economic decline has taken place.

Effects of COVID-19

Aside from countries shutting their borders to prevent other people from getting in, the novel coronavirus felt like a sign that the whole world was coming to an end. People were very scared, and even a slight cough from someone would have everyone thinking that they're infected.

  • Some people are dying. Early symptoms of the virus include coughing and having fever, and some people seem to lose their sense of taste and smell. A very small percentage of people are not so lucky, and were hospitalized.
  • The economy fell. Large portions of a country's development comes from tourism. With the borders closed, the country could not accept tourists who would help to boost their economy. People were stuck within their borders, without the opportunity to explore a new country or practice their chosen careers abroad. Likewise, some businesses also suffered, even those you thought would never fall into bankruptcy. With this, many people lost their sources of income.
  • Everyone was asked to stay at home. At the start of the pandemic when everything was haywire, establishments were asked to stop all production except for those providing basic necessities. Thus, those companies who did not survive closed down and ceased operations. Also, education was on hold until the government decided to adopt online classes.

Online Classes

Face-to-face activities were strictly stopped, and people flocked toward the Internet to kill boredom during the quarantine. The online community grew hugely in just a matter of months, and students make up the bulk of the bandwagon as they attend online classes all around the world.

With the number of unemployed growing by the day, many qualified individuals have decided to explore a new career in online tutoring. Some register through online agencies as teachers, while some work freelance and post their availabilities on different platforms for aspiring students to see.

Tutors have now become ten times more accessible than they were been pre-pandemic. A simple search in Google can easily lead you to different platforms that offer tutoring services. With the pandemic, people realized that now everything can be learned online, and that there are so many available materials needed, as well as people who are experts in their chosen field.

Tutoring Post-pandemic

The different opportunities provided by the Internet helped many unemployed people to get new jobs. This helped them to adjust to the new normal forced upon us by the coronavirus. Now it is easier for parents, teachers and students to establish better relationships with the use of technology. Also, learning has been made more fun because of the different platforms available to explore.

More and more interactive projects are created and introduced each day, and they've made everyone's lives easier. 2020 is – among other things – the year when people realized the importance of teachers. Much appreciation has been given to them because of their hard work and dedication to continuously provide education to those in need.

We no longer see tutors as an added expense. People now look at them as prime examples of hardworking individuals who uplift the spirits of those who have not fared well during quarantine. Tutors have been an instrument for others to stay active and continue to nourish their intelligence, in spite of a halt in everyday activities.

Overall, tutoring services during the pandemic moved completely online and are experiencing continuous increase in customers. Likewise, their services have improved because of new and exciting developments taking place on the internet.

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