Date Posted: 2024-07-11 | Expires: 2033-07-11

Beijing Internship Program

Program Description

This program provides students with a unique opportunity for real international work experience and immersion in Chinese culture. Beijing is the capital of China and the second largest city in China. It is considered the nation’s political, cultural and educational center of China and Beijing is the business and financial district for foreign and domestic financial institutions and regulatory agencies. Internship opportunities in Beijing include but are not limited to the areas of accounting, communications, journalism, international affairs and marketing. This program includes weekly Mandarin Chinese language classes.

Our program offers to students a remarkable open door for true worldwide work experience and immersion in Chinese society. Beijing is the capital of China and the second biggest city in China. It is viewed as the country's political, social and instructive focus of China and Beijing is the business and monetary locale for outside and local money related foundations and administrative orgs. Internship opportunities in Beijing incorporate however are not restricted to the territories of accounting, communications, journalism, international affairs and marketing. This program incorporates a weekly Mandarin Chinese dialect classes.

Program highlights

Internship opportunities for those seeking a professional global experience through this program can include, but are not limited to, the following list of placement areas. Note: Specific placements are not and cannot be guaranteed.

Placement Areas
• Accounting
• Architecture
• Business, Government, and Law
• Chinese
• Communications
• Economics
• Engineering
• Entrepreneurship
• Finance
• Human Resource Management
• Journalism
• International Affairs
• Logistics
• Management
• Marketing
• Media and Film
• Political Science
• Real Estate
• Retail Merchandising & Product Development

Visa Support


Language Skills Required:


Age Requirement:

Email Program

Program Details

Types - Subjects

Accounting, Commercial Real Estate, Real Estate


China - Beijing

Program Price

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Companies will apply to you too

Fill in your resume and companies will send you invitations to apply on their jobs and we will notify you directly on your email box .