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The Life Foundation CIC

The Life Foundation CIC

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About The Life Foundation CIC


We began as a very small organisation in November 2003 with the aim of supporting orphaned and abandoned children in Romania. We still support these same children but over the years, we have been lucky enough to accumulate support from commercial companies, universities, third sector support agencies, and hundreds of individuals, which has enabled us to expand and grow into the organisation we are today. Although our core ethos has not changed, we now strive to support three projects in Romania, and India! In 2007, we formalised the structure of our organisation and registered as a UK Social Enterprise and we are currently in the process of converting to a charity under the name of The Life Foundation. We support the work of local governments, charities, youth groups, and independent out-reach programmes which aim to improve the lives of people in need of our support.

We are always looking for volunteers: for volunteering on our overseas projects, or for helping the committee with fundraising and recruitment.

Our Projects:

Bacau, Romnia
Work alongside Romanian volunteers with partner organisation FSC for a week running a summer school for local children in rural villages. Children look forward to summer school all year – be full of energy, enthusiastic and excited!

Oltenia, Romania
Use play and therapeutic techniques to help children to develop communication skills and form positive relationships. The two week trips also include afternoon trips to a local adult residential home where up to 80 residents live. All the children and adults we work with on this project have some form of intellectual and/or physical disability and many show signs of Institutionalised Autism due to their upbringing.

Varanasi, India
Run educational sessions and support the daily routine of a children's home for children with disabilities in the holy city of Varanasi. Volunteers support the work of full time staff and volunteers and can take the children on day trips, run lessons and activities and befriend the children and families who live locally.

All volunteers are interviewed and trained before going on a trip, and volunteers must have relevant experience before visiting any of the projects.

Programs at The Life Foundation CIC