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India Volunteer Care helps interns and volunteer to find a right type of nonprofit organisations to work. It is a volunteer recruitment platform. It strongly works with its sister organisation, prime trust. (

You'll reach the hard-to-reach. We are a small, locally run, Indian organization that aims to provide direct volunteer support to the local NGOs that don't have their own effective means of reaching you.
You get a greater value for your money. As a locally-based organization, our costs are extremely low in comparison to foreign-based volunteer programs. Check out our low Volunteer Costs.
You benefit from our partnerships. You can choose from a wide range of projects to suit your needs. We have regular contact with all the partner NGOs in our program. They are not just names on a list; we know the staff and have visited all the projects in person. Check out our Volunteer Projects.
Your opinion counts. Each project offers you a distinctive chance to make an impact on decision making and program development.
You will be immersed in Indian culture. You'll be living in a typical Indian neighborhood working at a NGO with local India staff. Our staff will explain the basics of Indian culture to you and are always willing to answer the smallest or largest of questions on Indian culture.
You determine your experience. Our programs offer freedom and flexibility, allowing you to utilize your specific skills in a variety of ways. Once you realize where your help is needed, the potential for positive change is limitless. We offer volunteer, internship, and research opportunities.

India Volunteer Care was born out of a genuine concern for the suffering that is apparent in the area where we live and work. We observed the growing popularity of travelling abroad to do volunteer work in India and we wanted to use this trend to benefit the underprivileged population the NGOs in our region serve.

We found that funding restraints, language barriers, and housing shortages meant that many small, local NGOs had to reject potential volunteers because they had no way to manage them. Additionally, we were disheartened to see the huge prices attached to many larger volunteer placement organizations when we personally knew how affordable living and working in India can be, especially for volunteers coming from abroad.

IVC was created to make an avenue through which international volunteers can come and offer their services. We comprise of a small group of like-minded local people who aim to identify and place international volunteers where they are most needed: in emerging, small scale, grassroots organizations that lack the necessary means and organization to attract and accommodate international volunteers, but would benefit greatly from outside assistance and knowledge. There are a multitude of NGOs here that are desperate for voluntary help – whether it is from skilled or unskilled volunteers.

We operate out of the genuine wish to maintain, strengthen and expand the NGO sector within our region. We believe NGOs are an essential part to India's development and it's effort to bring more people out of poverty. We aim to keep our costs low and our doors open wide as to attract as many volunteers to our region as possible. We can all work together to make the lives of those around us improve.

India Volunteer Care is a non-profit organisation registered in Puducherry with the Indian Trusts Act of 1882.


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