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Balkan Heritage Foundation & Field School

Balkan Heritage Foundation & Field School

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About Balkan Heritage Foundation & Field School


The Balkan Heritage Field School (BHFS, started in 2003) is a program of the Balkan Heritage Foundation (Bulgarian public, non-profit, non-governmental organization) for practical education in the field of archeology, history and art history of South-Eastern Europe, as well as documentation, conservation and restoration of historic artifacts and monuments, taught in English, currently in three Balkan countries: Bulgaria, Montenegro and Republic of Macedonia. The Program has involved a number of academic and research institutions, museums and heritage specialists from Bulgaria, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, USA, Canada, Germany and Japan.
Three universities award academic credits to students who participate in the BHFS projects: New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria; Queen's University, Canada and Connecticut College, through Institute for Field Research, USA. Participants who are not interested in academic credits are not expected neither to pay any tuition fee nor to take part in any activities related to academic curriculum (exams, academic reports etc.).
Since 2003 the BHFS has implemented 86 field school projects/courses (ranging from 1 to 8 weeks) attended by more than 1500 students from 57 countries.