Date Posted: 2024-07-11 | Expires: 2033-07-11


Program Description

Why study Hydrology at VU Amsterdam?
The Master’s programme in Hydrology offers a strong, internationally oriented curriculum. You will receive expert guidance as you gain knowledge and skills before proceeding to your specialization. The programme features a finely tuned mix of lectures, computer modelling workshops, lab experiments and hydrological field training in the Netherlands and abroad. Topics include the hydrological processes as well as their social implications and the related economics. All courses contribute effectively to the overall curriculum, and are closely linked to water research. The programme scored as one of the top-five Master’s at VU Amsterdam.

The first year of the Master’s programme in Hydrology consists of a combination of lectures, practicals and field work. This period teaches you the basics of theoretical and experimental hydrology in courses such as catchment rainfall-runoff analysis, groundwater, ecohydrology, water quality, modelling of water risks and water economics. This knowledge will be integrated in field courses on measurement techniques in the Netherlands and abroad. The second year is devoted to a specialization based on your
individual interests related to either hydrological processes or risks, and is concluded by a 6-8 months research project at the university, or at an international research institute or company.

Program highlights

• You will learn to study hydrological processes and societal interactions from an integrated perspective, using real world examples.
• Our motto is: ‘measuring is knowing’. In the first year, we offer 5 week fieldwork courses in the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
• For second year MSc Thesis subjects we offer a permanent field site in Kitui, Kenya
• You will learn to apply field measurements and theory into estimating water risk for society and explore management options to lower risk.
• International MSc Thesis locations: tropical Amazonia, permafrost regions of Siberia, highly urban areas ( New York City, Amsterdam and Jakarta).

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Program Details

Degree Level

Masters Degree

Types - Subjects

Natural Sciences


Program Price

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